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7 Tips to Convert Strangers into Friends, Using Interact Quiz

When you convert strangers into clients, it's a hit or miss. It's a binary relationship: yay or nay. Most of the time, it's a nay.

When you convert strangers into friends, it's always a hit. Friends like friends. Friends get value from friends. It's a quantum relationship in every direction! They stay friends, tell others about your work, become loyal readers, transform into raving fans, serve as word of mouth marketing, and maybe even become clients someday... because you read their minds and gave them what they needed... not because you tried to sell them something.

Other than webinars, a fun tool I've used to turn strangers into friends is Interact Quiz. Here are 7 tips on how to set up your own interactive quiz!

1. Talk to one person 

Do you know who your ideal client avatar is? Can you articulate that person in 4 words or less? Do you have real life photos of them, so you can see them and converse with them? Capture that conversation into your quiz.

2. Be Playful

Use your fullest sense of humour, be casual, light-hearted, drop an f-bomb if that's how you natural speak to your ideal client. Those who don't get you will never get you. You don't want them anyway. Let them go. Keep the ideal people only, your people.

3. Use personal photos

By now, you've probably seen the same stockphoto with the girl holding sparklers circulate all "girl empowerment" blogs. Don't copy & paste. Don't be like that. Use your own photos, taken from your travels, from real life. Or ask a friend to borrow theirs, so you can showcase their work. Win-win!

4. Flip it to the positive

Always see the best in people. Flip words around to articulate your ideal client in their most positive light. Tell people they are awesome, and they will like you more. There is enough judgement out there, don't add fuel to the fire. Eg. Don't call someone lazy, call them enlightened for knowing when to rest.

5. Gift the right gift

Know your audience. Ask them what they want. Reflect on what they need. Notice what you're naturally talented at. Then create something useful at the intersection of want / need / talent. An opt-in is 99% meant to serve your client, so make your freebie a high-value goodie.

6. Integrate seamlessly

Brand the quiz to integrate seamlessly, in aesthetics and functionality, to your brand and website. Simplify as much as possible. Remove redundant words, duplicate options and any extra clicks. Make the client's life easier and they'll thank you for years to come.

7. Test, test and test again

No matter how many i's you dot and t's you cross, online tech always goes sideways. So test, test and test again. Once you've done that, ask fresh pairs of eyes to test, test and test again for you. The care you show now heightens your brand value into the future.

Bonus • 8. Use Interact Quiz

As a geeky techie and an overachiever, I'm wired to research the top 3 apps, test the heck out of them, and make a pretty spreadsheet to see which one is best.

  • The first and most popular quiz doesn't have the most basic function to redirect the client to a custom URL, so I ruled that one out.
  • The second quiz I played with was Interact Quiz. Their new user interface is so simple that I didn't shuffle to the Help section, not even once. It's also flows well for the quiz taker.
  • The third quiz I bought and trialled has mega powerful functionality and granularity, but looks like Netscape 4.0. Clearly they've not heard of Canva :P

I don't have much free time. So I need a tool that works great, looks great, and is super simple for me AND my client. No brainer.

Try Interact Quiz

With infinite grace,

xo, Ella

(First Published mar 30, 2018)



Having lived, died and traveled 131 countries, 87 emotions, 16 career reinventions, and 46.5 traumas, Ellany Lea inspires and guides women overachievers, phoenixes, wisdom keepers, and entrepreneurs to free her genius, so it frees the world.