Words are things.

– Maya Angelou


Opportestiny • Alchemy of opportunity + test + destiny into a masterpiece that frees the world

Your Opportestiny Program • A masterclass for phoenixes and overachievers to unleash your masterpiece

My Opportestiny Project • A narrative medicine project aka my masterpiece-in-the-making

To 4-know • To simultaneously and throughly 🧠 mind-know, 💖 heart-know, 👣 body-know and ⭐️ soul-know a truth

Craughing • Simultaneous crying + laughing 😭 😂 😭 😂 

Healeding • Healed, but ever healing...

Reclaimeding • Reclaimed, but ever reclaiming...

"Fluck you" truth • A truth that simultaneously detonates a "fuck you" reaction and a "love you" illumination

PTLD • Post-traumatic Life Disorder, aka incarnation on "Earth School"

PTG • Post-traumatic Growth

The DWG • The Dead White Guys / Patriarchy's Indoctrination of its 6P's: Please, Perfect, Perform, Produce, Produce, Produce!

The Sapiens • Morons, assholes, and predators that crawl the earth in mass unconsciousness, puppet strung by the DWG

2E • Twice-Exceptional Neurodivergent (giftedness + disability)

4S • Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome / Misophonia / Tinnitus

ADHD • Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ARDS • Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

BPI • Brachial Plexus Injury / Scoliosis

CFS • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

CIRS • Chronic Inflammation Response Syndrome

CPTSD • Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

CTD • Cyclothymic Disorder

EDS • Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

GAD • Generalized Anxiety Disorder

MDD • Major Depressive Disorder

MCAS • Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

MCSS • Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome

ME • Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

OCD • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

PE • Peripheral Neuropathy

POTS • Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome

TBI • Traumatic Brain Injury

WAD • Whiplash-Associated Disorder

Unleash Your Masterpiece

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Talk4TypesofKnowing - you are the fire - circle

🐦‍🔥🐦‍🔥🐦‍🔥  Join 4,025+ phoenixes, overachievers, wisdom keepers, freedompreneurs and wayshowers from 72 countries, alchemizing opportunity + tests + destiny into a masterpiece that frees the world.  🌎🌍🌏

Product - Opportestiny Masterclass

Inner & Outer Wealth Coaching Inc. © 2024  •  🇨🇦 GST 828940007  •  🇪🇺 VAT EU372060495