My Opportestiny™
Ellany's Unweaving of Opportunity + Test + Destiny
To suckle the peace of karmic completion
Every other day, I am haunted by the question,
How am I even still alive...
no less at peace in joy?
If I wrote my whole story to my whole Self, could I be freed from this final haunting?
The 4 Stages of Opportestiny™
Opportestiny™ is the fusion of spiritual kintsugi, artistic alchemy and entrepreneurial freedom. ⤵︎
Stage 1 • The Smashing
The smashing of my 12 Wounded Children and 12 Wounded Adults
Stage 4 • The Integration
"Ella, you were never the shards. You are the gold that mends."
This is my creative offering.
This is my Opportestiny™ ⤵︎
Only in the fever of creation could she recreate her own lost life.
– Anaïs Nin
Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Insufficient Child
Primary Smashing
The missing 1% Chronic T
Secondary Smashings
The baby co-parent Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The Eden crib expulsion Small tPre 6
The river dump girl Complex TPre 3
The vanishing school bus Big TPre 6
The toilet water bullies Chronic T
The blue screen of death Chronic T💰 PTSD
The spiritual kamikazes Complex TPre 3💰 PTSD
The ATM dispenser Complex TPre 3💰 PTSD
The $0.99 ramen Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The disposable air filter Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The Chintok harassment Chronic T
The "no fishies for you" Small tPre 6
The Nutella knife Small t
The machete target practice Complex TPre 6
The plugs in the socket Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The nausea crossing Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The train platform hunt Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The diaper bracelet Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The unacceptable passport Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Disposable Child
Primary Smashing
The river dump girl Complex TPre 3
Secondary Smashings
The Eden crib expulsion Small tPre 6
The vanishing school bus Big TPre 6
The phone tape guts Big TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The potato fingers Big T
The someone you know Big T
The $0.99 ramen Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The defective thing Complex TPre 6
The disposable air filter Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The "no fishies for you" Small tPre 6
The machete target practice Complex TPre 6
The nausea crossing Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The train platform hunt Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The diaper bracelet Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The unacceptable passport Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
(... did I?)
Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Failure Child
Primary Smashing
The cheque kneeling Chronic T💰 PTSD
Secondary Smashings
The river dump girl Complex TPre 3
The hallway holes Big TPre 6
The launch funeral Big T💰 PTSD
The ballet tickets Chronic T💰 PTSD
The matchbox sparks Big T💰 PTSD
The spiritual kamikazes Complex TPre 3💰 PTSD
The baby co-parent Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The ATM dispenser Complex TPre 3💰 PTSD
The $0.99 ramen Complex TPre 6$ PTSD
The Nutella knife Small t
The disposable air filter Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The defective thing Complex TPre 6
The Chintok harassment Chronic T
The "no fishies for you" Small tPre 6
The machete target practice Complex TPre 6
The plugs in the socket Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The Gulf mass graves Small tSecondary T
The nausea crossing Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The train platform hunt Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The diaper bracelet Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The unacceptable passport Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
Money Tree
Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Burden Child
Primary Smashing
The hallway holes Big TPre 6
Secondary Smashings
The Eden crib expulsion Small tPre 6
The smashed car windows Small t
The $0.99 ramen Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The river dump girl Complex TPre 3
The "no fishies for you" Small tPre 6
The Chintok harassment Chronic T
The Nutella knife Small t
The machete target practice Complex TPre 6
The nausea crossing Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The train platform hunt Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The diaper bracelet Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The unacceptable passport Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Powerless Child
Primary Smashing
The basement gang Big T
Secondary Smashings
The phone tape guts Big TPre 3
The greatness cancellation Big T
The neck yank Big TPre 3
The YWCA brass knob Big TPre 3
The hallway holes Big TPre 6
The stolen Pentium tower Big T
The potato fingers Big T
The someone you know Big T
The launch funeral Big T💰 PTSD
The Fraud and Frauder Big T💰 PTSD
The 7 schools in 9 yearsChronic TPre 6
The name massacre bullies Chronic T
The Balkans bullies Chronic T
The toilet water bullies Chronic T
The shush net Chronic T
The blue screen of death Chronic T💰 PTSD
The baby co-parent Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The ATM dispenser Complex TPre 3💰 PTSD
The $0.99 ramen Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The disposable air filter Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The defective thing Complex TPre 6
The river dump girl Complex TPre 3
The Chintok harassment Chronic T
The "no fishies for you" Small tPre 6
The tearless Guan Yin Small t
The machete target practice Complex TPre 6
The plugs in the socket Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The Gulf mass graves Small tSeCONDARY T
The genocide skulls Small tSeCONDARY T
The nausea crossing Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The train platform hunt Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The diaper bracelet Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The unacceptable passport Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Abandoned Child
Primary Smashing
The YWCA brass knob Big TPre 3
Secondary Smashings
The phone tape guts Big TPre 3
The spiritual kamikazes Complex TPre 3💰 PTSD
The neck yank Big TPre 3
The Eden crib expulsion Small tPre 6
The vanishing school bus Big TPre 6
The greatness cancellation Big T
The potato fingers Big T
The Balkans bullies Chronic T
The blue screen of death Chronic T💰 PTSD
The dump trucks paralysis Big T💰 PTSD
The baby co-parent Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The ATM dispenser Complex TPre 3💰 PTSD
The $0.99 ramen Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The disposable air filter Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The defective thing Complex TPre 6
The river dump girl Complex TPre 3
The Chintok harassment Chronic T
The "no fishies for you" Small tPre 6
The machete target practice Complex TPre 6
The plugs in the socket Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The nausea crossing Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The train platform hunt Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The diaper bracelet Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The unacceptable passport Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
Collateral Damage
Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Too Much Child
Primary Smashing
The toilet water bullies Chronic T
Secondary Smashings
The hallway holes Big TPre 6
The greatness cancellation Big T
The stolen Pentium tower Big T
The Balkans bullies Chronic T
The $0.99 ramen Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The defective thing Complex TPre 6
The "no fishies for you" Small tPre 6
The machete target practice Complex TPre 6
The plugs in the socket Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
Target Practice
Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Invisible Child
Primary Smashing
The vanishing school bus Big TPre 6
Secondary Smashings
The greatness cancellation Big T
The stolen Pentium tower Big T
The toilet water bullies Chronic T
The name massacre Chronic T
The baby co-parent Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The $0.99 ramen Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The disposable air filter Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The river dump girl Complex TPre 3
The "no fishies for you" Small tPre 6
The Chintok harassment Chronic T
The tearless Guan Yin Small t
The nausea crossing Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The train platform hunt Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The diaper bracelet Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The unacceptable passport Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Unsafe Child
Primary Smashing
The phone tape guts Big TPre 3
Secondary Smashings
The YWCA brass knob Big TPre 3
The Eden crib expulsion Small tPre 6
The hallway holes Big TPre 6
The potato fingers Big T
The someone you know Big T
The greatness cancellation Big T
The smashed car windows Small t
The vanishing school bus Big TPre 6
The stolen Pentium tower Big T
The dump trucks paralysis Big T💰 PTSD
The basement gang Big T
The steel toe boots Big T
The Fraud and Frauder Big T💰 PTSD
The co-signer con Big T💰 PTSD
The 7 schools in 9 yearsChronic TPre 6
The name massacre bullies Chronic T
The Balkans bullies Chronic T
The toilet water bullies Chronic T
The ballet tickets Chronic T💰 PTSD
The shush net Chronic T
The blue screen of death Chronic T💰 PTSD
The matchbox sparks Big T💰 PTSD
The baby co-parent Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The ATM dispenser Complex TPre 3💰 PTSD
The $0.99 ramen Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The disposable air filter Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The defective thing Complex TPre 6
The river dump girl Complex TPre 3
The Chintok harassment Chronic T
The Nutella knife Small t
The tearless Guan Yin Small t
The machete target practice Complex TPre 6
The plugs in the socket Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The Gulf mass graves Small TSeCONDARY T
The genocide skulls Small TSeCONDARY T
The nausea crossing Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The train platform hunt Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The diaper bracelet Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The unacceptable passport Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Freak Child
Primary Smashing
The 7 schools in 9 yearsChronic TPre 6
Secondary Smashings
The phone tape guts Big TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The vanishing school bus Big TPre 6
The Eden crib expulsion Small tPre 6
The greatness cancellation Big T
The launch funeral Big T💰 PTSD
The name massacre bullies Chronic T
The Balkans bullies Chronic T
The toilet water bullies Chronic T
The spiritual kamikazes Complex TPre 3💰 PTSD
The defective thing Complex TPre 6
The Chintok harassment Chronic T
The nausea crossing Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The train platform hunt Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The diaper bracelet Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The unacceptable passport Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Mistake Child
Primary Smashing
The machete target practice Complex TPre 6
Secondary Smashings
The greatness cancellation Big T
The hallway holes Big TPre 6
The smashed car windows Small t
The name massacre bullies Chronic T
The Balkans bullies Chronic T
The toilet water bullies hronic T
The stolen Pentium tower Big T
The blue screen of death Chronic T💰 PTSD
The baby co-parent Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The ATM dispenser Complex TPre 3💰 PTSD
The $0.99 ramen Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The "no fishies for you" Small tPre 6
The disposable air filter Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The defective thing Complex TPre 6
The river dump girl Complex TPre 3
The Chintok harassment Chronic T
The Nutella knife Small t
The tearless Guan Yin Small t
The plugs in the socket Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The nausea crossing Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The train platform hunt Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The diaper bracelet Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The unacceptable passport Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Deprived Child
Primary Smashing
The "no fishies for you" Small tPre 6
Secondary Smashings
The co-signer con Big T💰 PTSD
The YWCA brass knob Big TPre 3
The vanishing school bus Big TPre 6
The Eden crib expulsion Small tPre 6
The hallway holes Big TPre 6
The stolen Pentium tower Big T
The dump trucks paralysis Big T💰 PTSD
The ballet tickets Chronic T💰 PTSD
The blue screen of death Chronic T💰 PTSD
The matchbox sparks Big T💰 PTSD
The iPhone watery grave Big T💰 PTSD
The baby co-parent Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The ATM dispenser Complex TPre 3💰 PTSD
The $0.99 ramen Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The river dump girl Complex TPre 3
The disposable air filter Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The Chintok harassment Chronic T
The plugs in the socket Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The nausea crossing Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The train platform hunt Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The diaper bracelet Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The unacceptable passport Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
If only we didn't have to spend our entire adulthood recovering from our childhood.
– Ellany Lea
Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Primary Smashing
The dump trucks paralysis Big T💰 PTSD
Secondary Smashings
(Including its equivalent Wounded Child's 20 smashings)
The stolen Pentium tower Big T
The launch funeral Big T💰 PTSDSeCONDARY T
The Fraud and Frauder Big T💰 PTSD
The co-signer con Big T💰 PTSD
The ballet tickets Chronic T💰 PTSD
The shush net Chronic T
The Gulf mass graves Small TSeCONDARY T
The genocide skulls Small TSeCONDARY T
It’s all on me alone forever.
I am crushed but no one cares.
Learn More
Single Parent
Slave Captain
Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Wild Woman
Primary Smashing
The shush net Chronic T
Secondary Smashings
(Including its equivalent Wounded Child's 16 smashings)
The spiritual kamikazes Complex TPre 3 💰 PTSD
The greatness cancellation Big T
The matchbox sparks Big T💰 PTSD
The dump trucks paralysis Big T💰 PTSD
The basement gang Big T
The Fraud and Frauder Big T💰 PTSD
The co-signer con Big T💰 PTSD
The ballet tickets Chronic T💰 PTSD
The baby co-parent Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The ATM dispenser Complex TPre 3💰 PTSD
The Chintok harassment Chronic T
The plugs in the socket Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The genocide skulls Small TSeCONDARY T
I must deny my wild, my instincts.
I must stay small, silent and sweet.
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Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Primary Smashing
The iPhone watery grave Big T💰 PTSD
Secondary Smashings
(Including its equivalent Wounded Child's 22 smashings)
The stolen Pentium tower Big T
The greatness cancellation Big T
The dump trucks paralysis Big T💰 PTSD
The Fraud and Frauder Big T💰 PTSD
The co-signer con Big T💰 PTSD
The steel toe boots Big T
The genocide skulls Small TSeCONDARY T
I must please + perform + produce + perfect or perish.
I am valid only if I achieve the impossible.
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Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Death Wisher
Primary Smashing
The blue screen of death Chronic T💰 PTSD
Secondary Smashings
(Including its equivalent Wounded Child's 15 smashings)
The spiritual kamikazes Complex TPre 3💰 PTSD
The dump trucks paralysis Big T💰 PTSD
The basement gang Big T
The Fraud and Frauder Big T💰 PTSD
The co-signer con Big T💰 PTSD
The steel toe boots Big T
The baby co-parent Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
The ATM dispenser Complex TPre 3💰 PTSD
The iPhone watery grave Big T💰 PTSD
The plugs in the socket Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Primary Smashing
The steel toe boots Big T
Secondary Smashings
(Including its equivalent Wounded Child's 33 smashings)
The spiritual kamikazes Complex TPre 3💰 PTSD
The dump trucks paralysis Big T💰 PTSD
The matchbox sparks Big T💰 PTSD
The iPhone watery grave Big T💰 PTSD
“Conceal it, don’t feel it, don’t let it show.”
I am banished underground.
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Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Primary Smashing
The ballet tickets Chronic T💰 PTSD
Secondary Smashings
(Including its equivalent Wounded Child's 26 smashings)
The stolen Pentium tower Big T
The someone you know Big T
The launch funeral Big T💰 PTSD
The basement gang Big T
The steel toe boots Big T
The shush net Chronic T
The matchbox sparks Big T💰 PTSD
The iPhone watery grave Big T💰 PTSD
The Gulf mass graves Small TSeCONDARY T
The genocide skulls Small TSeCONDARY T
Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Moon Dragon
Primary Smashing
The plugs in the socket Complex TPre 6💰 PTSD
Secondary Smashings
(Including its equivalent Wounded Child's 16 smashings)
The spiritual kamikazes Complex TPre 3💰 PTSD
The dump trucks paralysis Big T💰 PTSD
The potato fingers Big T
The someone you know Big T
The launch funeral Big T💰 PTSD
The basement gang Big T
The steel toe boots Big T
The ballet tickets Chronic T💰 PTSD
The shush net Chronic T
The ATM dispenser Complex TPre 3💰 PTSD
The Gulf mass graves Small tSecondary T
The genocide skulls Small tSecondary T
It's my job to vanish into the background.
I must shut down my Knowing.
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Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Fire Phoenix
Primary Smashing
The Fraud and Frauder Big T💰 PTSD
Secondary Smashings
(Including its equivalent Wounded Child's 11 smashings)
The spiritual kamikazes Complex TPre 3💰 PTSD
The potato fingers Big T
The someone you know Big T
The basement gang Big T
The steel toe boots Big T
The ballet tickets Chronic T💰 PTSD
The shush net Chronic T
The launch funeral Big T💰 PTSD
The co-signer con Big T💰 PTSD
The blue screen of death Chronic T💰 PTSD
The iPhone watery grave Big T💰 PTSD
(... did I?)
Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Primary Smashing
The greatness cancellation Big T
Secondary Smashings
(Including its equivalent Wounded Child's 16 smashings)
The stolen Pentium tower Big T
The iPhone watery grave Big T$ PTSD
The $0.99 ramen Complex TPre 6$ PTSD
The disposable air filter Complex TPre 6$ PTSD
NeurodivergentPTG Brain
Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Primary Smashing
The nausea crossing Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The train platform hunt Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The diaper bracelet Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
The unacceptable passport Chronic TPre 3SeCONDARY T
Secondary Smashings
(Including its equivalent Wounded Child's 21 smashings)
The spiritual kamikazes Complex TPre 3$ PTSD
The potato fingers Big T
The someone you know Big T
The basement gang Big T
The Fraud and Frauder Big T$ PTSD
The co-signer con Big T$ PTSD
The 7 schools in 9 years Chronic TPre 6
The ballet tickets Chronic T$ PTSD
The shush net Chronic T
The matchbox sparks Big T$ PTSD
I am here to clean toilets and shut up.
I am a doormat for the DWG to wipe their feet on.
Learn More
Cheap Labor
Stage 1 • Smashing Stories
Primary Smashing
The launch funeral Big T💰 PTSD
Secondary Smashings
(Including its equivalent Wounded Child's 24 smashings)
The spiritual kamikazes Complex TPre 3💰 PTSD
The greatness cancellation Big T
The Fraud and Frauder Big T💰 PTSD
The steel toe boots Big T
I owe my time and talents to the DWG.
I must rat race at a desk until I croak.
Learn More
Note • This report does not include aaaaaall the daily mind, heart, body and soul pains and micro-assaults that don't "count" as trauma. Sigh.
How am I even still alive...
no less at peace in joy? ⤵︎
Zero white privilege
Zero male privilege
Zero family connections
Zero entrepreneurial DNA
Zero trust fund
Zero inheritance
Zero guidance
Zero protection
Zero nurturance
Zero athletics
Zero music
Zero arts
Raised myself with
Zero parent to pay for college
Zero financial aid
Zero partner to cover my bills
Zero person to have my back
Zero alimony
Zero court settlement
Zero help raising my parents and siblings
Zero couch to have a
depression on
Zero person to nurse me
back to health
"Love"/Shopping Addiction
Gambling Addiction
Criminal Record
female in my lineage to go to college, have a career and her own money
(gender minority, ethnic minority, first-gen minority)
to overcome immigrant parents' financial and social handicaps (subordinate minority, language minority, religion minority)
to break intergenerational and displacement trauma of 4 refugee grandparents
(involuntary minority)
to be myself, not just surviving but thriving, fierce, fulfilled and free
(neurodivergent minority)
How did I survive... no less thrive?
Learned conceptual understanding
(aka knowledge)
Felt emotional comprehension
(aka compassion)
Lived visceral experience
(aka wisdom)
Re-membered universal truth
(aka illumination)
Healeding Tracker
🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 ⚪️
💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 ⚪️ ⚪️ ⚪️
👣 👣 👣 👣 👣 👣 👣 ⚪️ ⚪️ ⚪️
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⚪️
🧠 The lovability disk scratch
💖 The chest tattoo
💖 The leap into the unknown
💖 The 9 droplets
💖 The work ox
🧠 The shoulder intervention
🧠 The Wall of Greatness
🎳 The volcano lagoon
👣 The 4 flanks
💖 The mother famine
I put my armor on, show you how strong I am
I'm a Porsche with no brakes
I don't need batteries to play
Healeding Tracker
🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 ⚪️ ⚪️
💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 ⚪️ ⚪️ ⚪️
👣 👣 👣 👣 👣 👣 👣 ⚪️ ⚪️ ⚪️
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
🧠 The pony bite
🧠 The innocence type
💖 The golden buzzers
💖 The heartbroken heartbreaker
🎳 The ruby bubble burst
💖 The duck duck poo
🧠 The movement of the heart
👣 The upside down monkey
⭐️ The dew drop curtwheel
💖 The play paddles
🧠 The scheduled spontaneity
🎳 She moves hearts
🧠 The unwelcome
🧠 The abandonment despair
The women will be my soldiers
With the weight of life on their shoulders
Drink until you've had enough
I'll drink from your hands
I will be your warrior
I will be your lamb
Healeding Tracker
🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 ⚪️ ⚪️
💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 ⚪️ ⚪️ ⚪️ ⚪️
👣 👣 👣 👣 👣 👣 👣 👣 ⚪️ ⚪️
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⚪️
💖 The 58min blackout
⭐️ The root curse
🧠 The letter to the Money Tree
🧠 The factory floor
🎳 The carpel tunnel shortcircuit
💖 The organ donor
💖 The strings cutting
👣 The binder handover
⭐️ The sky funeral
💖 The maid money
🧠 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
I wish I could be the perfect daughter
But I come back to the water
No matter how hard I try
Every road leads back
To the place I know where I cannot go
Where I long to be
Healeding Tracker
Appetite for life
🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 ⚪️ ⚪️
💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 ⚪️ ⚪️ ⚪️
👣 👣 👣 👣 👣 👣 ⚪️ ⚪️ ⚪️ ⚪️
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⚪️ ⚪️ ⚪️ ⚪️
👣 The ferris wheel pickup
💖 The 99 cent ramen
👣 The micro-sips
👣 The shawl
👣 The humanity barf
👣 The cost of life purge
🧠 The sand script
Suffocate me
So my tears can be rain
I will water the ground where I stand
So the flowers can grow back again
'Cause just like the seed
Everything wants to live
Healeding Tracker
🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 ⚪️ ⚪️
💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 ⚪️ ⚪️
👣 👣 👣 👣 👣 👣 👣 ⚪️ ⚪️ ⚪️
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⚪️ ⚪️
💖 The canaries in cole mines
🧠 The depressed chimps
👣 The multi-sensory vindication
👣 The bucket of self-hatred
🎳 The grief cork
👣 The Acroyoga base
💖 The shards and tar tower
🧠 The defunct receptors
💖 The Leslie love
💖 The air filters
👣 The funeral at the End of the World
I know it's a fight
Not to end every day feeling like you've been living a lie
If you're looking for a sign
Something to carry you back into the light
Love is the answer
Healeding Tracker
🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 ⚪️ ⚪️ ⚪️
💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 ⚪️ ⚪️ ⚪️ ⚪️
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⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⚪️ ⚪️ ⚪️
🧠 The zipline burp
💖 The delivery waiting room
💖 The spare rooms
👣 The gravesite hand
🧠 The Wounded Angel
💖 The Little Matchstick Girl
👣 The snake skin lick
💖 The little truck crew
⭐️ The Indigo Child
👣 The chest lean
👣 Lavender Fields rub
💖 Elliott's tears
👣 The Starseed squishy
いつか心は いつか
Healeding Tracker
🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 🧠 ⚪️ ⚪️
💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 ⚪️ ⚪️ ⚪️ ⚪️
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⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⚪️ ⚪️
🧠 The handpicked intern
💖 The drawbridges down
🎳 The soil in my fingernails
💖 The friend's closet
👣 The Artist’s Way
💖 The coaxing out
👣 The throat chakra purge
💖 The adopted family
A ricordarci che
L’eterna stella sei
E la fede che
Hai acceso in noi
Sento che ci salverà
Healeding Tracker
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🧠 The not-friends
🧠 The "deepest fear" poem
⭐️ The Light of Love
🧠 The HSP and HSS cocktail
🧠 The black cat wax
👣 The death of the Restless
🧠 The autism spectrum client
🧠 The Gifted Adult
🧠 The smart shaming
💖 The forgiveness mantra
💖 The lost decades
👣 The creative aqueduct
Shoot me down, but I get up
I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
Cut me down, but it's you who'll have further to fall
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👣 The trust fall
⭐️ The left pocket keys
💖 The bus ticket hero
👣 The fembot guns
👣 Jordanian roar
👣 The spiritual surgery
🧠 The disorganized attachment style
🎳 The terror doves
🧠 The rowing leaf
💖 The umpire "Safe!"
⭐️ The lifetimes of danger
🧠 The Oprah Chopra meditations
⭐️ The gatekeeper
👣 The crystal dome
👣 Los Cauquenes
🧠 The C. elegans petri dish
I was choking in the crowd
Building my rain up in the cloud
Falling like ashes to the ground
Hoping my feelings, they would drown
'til it broke open, and it rained down
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🧠 Pus in Boots
👣 The walk Home
💖 The Humpty Dumpty
👣 The Antigravity Skylabs
🧠 The sisterhood rain drops
👣 The Odessa taxi
💖 The Dori shells
🎳 The Void
👣 The purging at both ends
⭐️ The re-membering of the sea
But I won't let them break me down to dust
I know that there's a place for us
For we are glorious
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🧠 The Quiet Revolution
💖 The Reverse Role Models
👣 The harmony third-eye
⭐️ The hermit Kermit
💖 The Daring Way project
👣 The love battery
🧠 The thicker skin
🧠 The ribs extension
👣 The notetaker
💖 The neurodivergent overlap
⭐️ The Grand Crosses
🧠 The fawn-freeze subtype
다시 돌아올 수 없는 그 험한 길 위에
어찌하다 오르셨소
내가 가야만 했었던 그 험한 길 위에
그대가 왜 오르셨소?
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🧠 The money memory purge
👣 The passive income nectar
👣 The scarcity pebbles
💖 The co-signer semi-con
⭐️ The banshee blackout
🧠 The ladybug keychain
👣 The vines of peaches
⭐️ The cutting of chords
🧠 The Dr. Bailey whiff
👣 The heart lavage
👣 The Declaration of Receivership
👣 The suitcase of Havingness
🧠 The financial PTSD
Llévame con tus alas de luz
Águila, tráenos medicina
Del viento, del aire, de las estrellas, del sol
Brillando, me guía el camino
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💖 The silent hour
⭐️ The incinerator abdication
👣 The blanket lift
🎳 The Westerbeke bench
🧠 The unselfish self-care
🧠 The neglect trauma
🧠 The personal responsibility
💖 The single parent grief
⭐️ The ox cart dream
🧠 The capacity for joy
👣 The safari backseat
🧠 Mulan's stupid sword
The one I want, the one I will become will catch me
Though the phoenix may or may not rise
I will dance so freely, holding on to no one
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🎳 The spinal knot
⭐️ The apartment siege
🧠 The sewing machine
🧠 The disgust-o-meter
⭐️ The condo sale
💖 The dissident daughter
👣 The boxing gloves
🎳 The walking debt
💖 The conscious uncoupling
🧠 The Women Who Run with Wolves
👣 The patriarchy barf
⭐️ The husband maker
⭐️ The oppression merry-go-round
🧠 The inequality
💖 The pyjama pizzas, lone islands and big spoon
💖 The navy captain
Can't let time keep passing me by
Run down what I've always been chasing
Black out every fear I've been facing
All my wolves, begin to howl
Wake me up, the time is now
Reclaimeding Tracker
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💔 The best eldest son
👣 The fields of gold
🧠 The PQ test
💖 Overachievers Anonymous
👣 The trophies in the garbage
💖 The pull over pride
👣 The perfectionist extraction
⭐️ The roasted butterfly
🎳 The zing Being
💖 The hyperachiever's forgiveness
🧠 The Human Design generator
You can go the distance, you can run the mile
You can walk straight through hell with a smile
You could be a hero, you could get the gold
Reclaimeding Tracker
Will to Live
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⭐️ The Darwin Awards
💖 The mentor heart-ears
👣 The handgliding voice
🧠 The life boat
💖 The secret dove
⭐️ The end before the end
🎳 The comet in the body
🧠 The pain generator
🧠 The cat with 9 lives
👣 The Destroyer
⭐️ The spiritual clutch
Je crois capter des ondes
Venues d'un autre monde
J'ai jamais eu les pieds sur terre
Si jamais c'était plus beau
Plus beau vu d'en haut
Reclaimeding Tracker
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👣 The mercy juicer
👣 The sacred peacock
👣 The chosen lightning bolt
⭐️ The tuning fork
⭐️ The Mystic Academy
🎳 The dissolving into Oneness
⭐️ The channel opening
👣 The vaccum vortex
🧠 The witch burning genes
🧠 The Boddhisatva
💖 The giant builder
⭐️ The Warrior Academy
🧠 The film strip
👣 The aurora lulluaby
🎳 The 5 clairs
💖 The Chiron crossfire
An epoxy to the world and the vision we've lost
I'm just a symbol to remind you that there's more to see
And yet a masterpiece, and yet I'm half-diseased
Reclaimeding Tracker
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👣 The samurai knee slice
🧠 The client migraine attack
⭐️ The portals clearing
👣 The Seoul train
🧠 The castle crest
🧠 The ungloved Rogue
👣 The martyr curse purge
🧠 The 7 things white people taught me
💖 The Oxford ninja
⭐️ The even playing field
⭐️ Unfusing Cora
🧠 The siddhis
💖 The Cerebro helmet
And I do 5Rhythms
My child's high vibe, it's not autism
I'm more spiritual than you
I've got a drum and a fuck off gong
And a Spotify playlist called Medicine Songs
Reclaimeding Tracker
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⭐️ The peace locomotive
💖 The cuddle buddy
⭐️ The radiant sunset
⭐️ The original name
👣 The horse dismount
👣 The peeled sock
💖 The walk of glory
👣 The lunacy purge
👣 The aurora hunters
👣 The human defibrillator
👣 The swallowed pearl
🎳 She is the medicine
⭐️ The braingasm
We hold a prayer for the Earth
For the ones yet to come
May you walk in beauty
And remember your song
Reclaimeding Tracker
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👣 The gag removed
👣 The truth shrills
🎳 The murdered Pollyanna
⭐️ Jane, let go!
👣 The Madventure invincibility
👣 The antigravity training
🧠 Her Rage
💖 The Room vermin
👣 The rage burial
⭐️ The non-playable characters
👣 The auto-vomit
Can you feel the fire
Runnin' through your veins?
Now you're burning brighter
Don't look away
Shout out to the legends
Rising from the wreckage
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👣 The labyrinth grip
🧠 The 98 lives
💖 The stolen youth
👣 The sacred solitude
🎳 Yagé Love
👣 The galaxy in her hips
💖 The Heroine's Journey
🧠 The Hero's Journey
⭐️ The Liberator's Journey
🎳 My Tree of Life
🧠 The shitshow birth chart
⭐️ The Earth School fine print
We are the warriors, who learned to love the pain
We come from different places but have the same name
'Cause we were born for this
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⭐️ The consulate circus chimp
🧠 The same essay
🧠 The butterfly labyrinth
🧠 The Computer Teacher
💖 The Web Developer
👣 The Industrial Machinist
🎳 The Banking Officer
🧠 The Aerospace Engineer
🧠 The Energy Researcher
🧠 The Systems Designer
🎳 The Intl Aid Worker
👣 The Global E-strategist
🎳 The UN Consultant
💖 The Web Design Agency
🎳 The Success Coach
🧠 The Wealth Mentor
👣 The Aerial Yoga Studio
💖 The Psychotherapist
⭐️ The Spiritual Guide
And I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd
You're gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud
I just want to live while I'm alive
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🧠 The rice paddy peasant
👣 The anxiety placenta
💖 The surrogate apology
💖 The frozen ants
💖 The World Expo savages
👣 The chooner fish
⭐️ The higher harmonics
👣 The weightless turtles
👣 Boutique Luxury
👣 The baby bird
🧠 The Mr. Rogers vest
👣 The boutique luxury
🧠 Oh, the parentals
On the run from a country where they put you in prison
For being a woman and speaking your mind
They said I would never make it
But I was built to break the mold
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💖 The Alhambra segway
👣 The shaking smoothie
🧠 The busyness tracker
👣 The digital nomad
👣 The 16 countries in 16 weeks
👣 The 52 green lights
👣 The warm leggings
👣 The pillow fort
🎳 The awe antidote
⭐️ Pluma en el viento
🎳 The story doves
🧠 The steadfast tortoise
🧠 The 25 Faces of Fear
I'm like a titan that's risin'
Oh, just you watch
I'm steppin' into fate
There is no time to waste
I've got that lightnin' inside me
Grieve. For everything you ever lost will come back to you in another form.
– Ellany Lea
Click Play ⤵︎
A Repartee with the Universe
Me • Hey.
The Universe • Sup.
Me • So. Let me get this straight. For me to live safely and freely on Earth, I have to:
- reclaim all the 🧠 💖 👣 ⭐️ knowings for each of my 12 Wounded Children
- kintsugi them into adults
- reclaim all the 🧠 💖 👣 ⭐️ knowings for each of my 12 Wounded Adults
- kintsugi them into healed adults
- kintsugi the healed adults into Moon Dragon (yin) and Fire Phoenix (yang)
- kintsugi the Moon Dragon and Fire Phoenix into the Ouroboros (yin-yang)
- kintsugi the Polymath and Freedompreneur into the Liberator
- and train the Liberator to free the Ouroboros from its Wheel of Karma
The Universe • Yep.
Me • Just that?
The Universe • Just that.
Me • No biggie?
The Universe • No biggie.
(First Published Oct 1, 2018)
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What is your creative offering?
What is your Opportestiny™?