
Parts Integration • Know your Whole Self. Wholeness is Freedom.

Product - Parts Integration Card Deck

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At War with Yourself?

Ever felt at war with yourself: one part wants this... another part wants that... but this part fears XYZ... but that part craves XYZ? Watch ⤵︎

Source • Disney

Sound familiar? Recognize yourself? 😜 Then you are human too ✅. Not broken, not crazy, just human, like me, like us.

In Harmony with Yourself?

What if you could sync all those warring parts into a harmonious whole with the magic between these metronomes (watch until the end, lower the volume if you're sound sensitive)? Would you? ⤵︎

Source • irmins

Parts Integration in a Nutshell

Parts Integration is the magic and practice of sync-ing your Parts into a harmonious whole. Wholeness is Freedom.

A. Do you know all of your Parts?

B. Do you know what happens when you combine your Parts? This could happen ⤵︎

Parts Integration Card - Combo Fight Dysregulated

Parts Integration Card - Combo Fight Maladaptive

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Parts Integration Card - Combo Flight Dysregulated

Parts Integration Card - Combo Flight Maladaptive

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Parts Integration Card - Combo Freeze Dysregulated

Parts Integration Card - Combo Freeze  Maladaptive

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Parts Integration Card - Combo Fawn Dysregulated

Parts Integration Card - Combo Fawn Maladaptive

All of the above has happened to me and to many of our grads. 🥴🥊 But we named our Parts. We integrated our Parts. We freed ourselves. And you can too!

Parts Integration is a brave, vulnerable and crucial process to know thyself and free thyself.

Can you imagine being one whole person, who feels/thinks/acts the same integral way, no matter where you are or who you're with? Oh the freeeeeedom! Wholeness is freedom.

Parts Integration Card - Overachiever   Parts Integration Card - Skyholder   Parts Integration Card - Freedompreneur

Benefits of Parts Integration

Curious what other combos are already at play in your/our collective subconscious? ⤵︎

Parts Integration Card - Combo Opposition

↑ Ever try to build an empire or lifestyle (Ruler) of purpose, contribution and freedom... while dragging a gaggle of Wounded Children archetypes across the finish line?

The voices of "I am not enough" (Insufficient Child), "Nobody wants me here" (Freak Child) and "I am forsaken" (Abandoned Child) are all opposing your efforts.

Could explain why building feels soooooo hard.


Parts Integration Card - Combo Battle

↑ Ever attempt to transmit your juicy lived wisdom and hard won lessons... but get derailed at every turn by "Team Shiny Squirrels"?

The Addict uses the Restless to numb. The Restless uses the Seeker to flee. The Seeker uses the Addict to avoid.

Could explain why sharing your masterpiece feels sooo exhausting.

Parts Integration Card - Combo Aspects Enslavement

↑ What happens when you're the Slave Captain (Skyholder) and the Slave (Martyr)... at the same time?


Parts Integration Card - Combo Aspects Gas-Handbrake

↑ What happens when you're the gas pedal (Hyperachiever) and the handbrake (Tortoise)... at the same time? 🥴🤮🥴🤮


The truth will set you free. But first it'll piss you off.
– Gloria Steinem 

Parts Integration Card - Combo Aspects WWIII

↑ You could have a faction of "Super Hiders" armed with dissociation warring a faction of "Super Doers" armed with overcompensation, all inside one body. WWIII anyone?


Parts Integration Card - Combo Aspects Chiron Shadows

↑ Or you could have Chiron, the Wounded Healer archetype, cause WWIV ⤵︎

Parts Integration Card - Combo Aspects WWIV

Parts Integration has guided our clients/students to: ⤵︎

  • align decisions (mind-knowing), reactions (heart-knowing) and behaviors (body-knowing) with spirit (soul-knowing)

  • pinpoint why they keep prolonging their own suffering

  • creative longevity and freedom

  • reclaim full permission to be and do it THEIR unique way

  • access safety, flow and inspiration and naturally radiate charisma

  • switch from victimhood (Why is this happening to me, again?!?) to self-kindness (Who needs tending? Which Part of me needs TLC?)

Parts Integration + 4 Types of Knowing = perennial freedom

Parts Integration Card - Polymath   Parts Integration Card - Moon Dragon   Parts Integration Card - Phoenix

5 Stages of Parts Integration

STAGE 1 • Name all your Parts

Parts Integration Card - Stage 1


STAGE 2 • Identify the Light and Shadow aspect of each Part

Parts Integration Card - Stage 2 

  • Light aspect • Holds creative energy, supports us to evolve, enhances Life. It's neither good, nor bad. We all need light, warmth and fire. But too much sun causes drought and too much fire can burn down the house.

  • Shadow aspect • Holds destructive energy, challenges us to evolve, diminishes Life. It's neither good, nor bad. We all need night for sleep, winter for rest before spring, and endings for new beginnings.

STAGE 3 • Identify combos of Part

Parts Integration Card - Stage 3


STAGE 4 • Identify combos of Light/Shadow aspects

Parts Integration Card - Stage 4


STAGE 5 • Source Parts and aspects and create new combos

Parts Integration Card - Stage 5



You can only go as fast as your slowest part. Wholeness is freedom. ✨

Parts Integration Card - Empath   Parts Integration Card - Wild Woman   Parts Integration Card - Immigrant


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Purchase Digital Card Deck

 Product - Parts Integration Card Deck

Set of 90 digital cards
Tailored for the modern woman
Updated 4x per year with your contributions
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Purchase Parts Integration Module + Card Deck

Product - Parts Integration Module

For clear guidance, enroll in the Parts Integration module (card deck included).


Purchase MODULE


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Enroll in Parts Integration Coaching

Product - Parts Integration Coaching

For tailored support, wise guidance and championing feedback, enroll in Parts Integration Coaching (card deck included).

5 Coaching Sessions (Zoom 45min)


ENROLL IN Coaching


(First Published Jun 19, 2019)



Having lived, died and traveled 131 countries, 87 emotions, 16 career reinventions, and 46.5 traumas, Ellany Lea inspires and guides women overachievers, phoenixes, wisdom keepers, and entrepreneurs to free her genius, so it frees the world.