
Big Picture Reset • A Grounding Ritual for Momentum and Consistent Success

I setup a recurring task in Asana that prompts me every 3 weeks, with these 3 grounding questions: 

  1. What’s the bigger dream/vision here?
  2. What do I want to make more consistent?
  3. What’s MOST important to me?

"People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it." (Simon Sinek) But if you can't even remember why you're doing what you're doing, then no one wins.

I started with weekly prompts, and it just felt miserably unrelenting, like constantly nagging in my ears and pounding on my nervous system. Then I tried monthly prompts. Those felt too far apart, and I couldn't remember what I had written the month before. Then I tried prompts every 2 weeks, but that still gave me the anxious hint of "What?!? Two weeks have gone by already?!?

So I tried for every 3 weeks, and there, my Goldilocks Zone! It's not too often / hounding, but not too sparse / floaty, it's just right. What's your "just right" zone.

Here are my Big Picture Resets from the last year. I'm a deep believer of simplicity and effortlessness.

Bigger Dream

More Consistent

Most Important

To love and be loved Harmony Enjoy every second of my inner Sacred Union
To be a magnetic vessel for love and prosperity No thought. No mind. Receive, receive, receive
Evergreen abundant inflow of income and championing people + resources Beauty + Pleasure Live forevermore in the expanding present
To receive and have all the money needed to actualize my dreams A cuddle buddy Pleasure and delight, every single day
To have. To have evergreen inflow of money. Pleasure + listening to basic human needs Self-compassion and the surrendering of needing to understand
To have, all of it. My newsletters and its content distribution Outsourcing and hiring the right people
To live in luxury, with cooks, maids, assistants and drivers Staying invested in weekly newsletters and experience of earth school My need for skillful, pure, loving touch
My manuscript in my hands by end of year Writing / loveletters, every 2 weeks, no excuses To feel good on the journey to evermore liberation
To bask in evergreen embrace of evergreen financial plentifulness Monthly pre-scheduling of blogs Be the guru I know I am. Source the Love I know I am.
Share my pleasure and sweetness and bliss filled life with my soul king Anti-perfectionist bi-weekly newsletters Single-tasking every moment, filled with Love

See a pattern? My vision is on prosperity attraction... and prosperous I am. My consistent practice is on writing... and writer I am. My priority is on the moment... and present I am.

May these prompts be helpful to ground you in times of lull, frenzy or everything in between.

With infinite grace,

xo, Ella

(First Published aug 28, 2019)



Having lived, died and traveled 131 countries, 87 emotions, 16 career reinventions, and 46.5 traumas, Ellany Lea inspires and guides women overachievers, phoenixes, wisdom keepers, and entrepreneurs to free her genius, so it frees the world.