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Creative Devotion (Part 1) • That's the goal, to survive your gift
It’s been 8 years and 7 months of space clawing, treading shards, fire palming and tear tagging to birth my story/masterpiece. And I didn’t even want to be a writer in the first place. That's the nature and story of creative devotion.
Creative Devotion (Part 2) • 14 Lessons on Masterpiece Making
Here are 14 Lessons from my "6-Month Writing Devotional" aka “Dredging my psyche for bodies" aka "Worst 6 months of my life." I do NOT recommend it. But if you are mad enough to proceed, you will be so freeeeeed. Apply these lessons to re/creating an identity, business, book, revolution, or life worth living. You have been warned. 😉
Book Dedication • Define your Why by Focusing on your Who
Writing for years has helped me see that I can only go as fast as the slowest part of me. My book will take as long as it takes. I cannot rush the alchemy of "pain juice" into gold.
How School Kills Creativity • My First Short Story
I was watching a TED Talk on Why Schools Kill Creativity. A couple of days later, I met up with a high school friend for brunch. We reminisced and somehow ended up on the topic of floss. She exclaimed, "Oh my god, do you remember your floss story, the one you wrote in high school?" My first reaction was of trembling...