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Spiritual Funnies • Comedy is tragedy plus time
For when you are having "one of those days" and need solace or a kick in the mental butt, I give you my Spiritual Funnies Collection. May Sapien's absurdity rip open a hardy laugh as sacred medicine.
The Art and Paradox of Non-Belonging • 20 Strange Ways I Don't Belong
The Universe pumped adventure into my lungs, but clipped my canary wings. The Universe encoded freedom into my soul, but shackled every limb with gender, filial piety, birth order, personality, cultural, and social chains.
Flying 52-in-52 • Joy Multiplies When Shared (Heart-knowing)
While handgliding, I felt an invisible force that I couldn't name. Then during a 56-countries-in-52-weeks trip that I did NOT plan or see coming, I felt it again, like a sidekick with a headset that guided me, as I James Bond-ed through that year.
My 16 Careers • Reinventing Identities as a Global E-Strategist (Part 9/16)
I lined up 5 interviews in 5 days in New York City, got on a plane, got a job offer and apartment on Day 6, flew home on Day 7 to pack and moved my entire life to NYC on Day 8. That is what "all in" looked like.
My 16 Careers • Reinventing Identities as a Banking Officer (Part 4/16)
I did a career 180 when I went into banking, thinking I'd finally become the best white man and eldest son I was supposed to be. Ha! In the end, only three things matter: one of them is letting go of things not meant for you.
Book Dedication • Define your Why by Focusing on your Who
Writing for years has helped me see that I can only go as fast as the slowest part of me. My book will take as long as it takes. I cannot rush the alchemy of "pain juice" into gold.
The Knot • How Somatic Symptoms Points to Self-Betrayal
Nothing can prepare you for the rupture of betrayal. Nobody can prepare you for the inconvenience of spiritual awakening. One gnarly knot in my spine woke me up to what betrayal truly unveils.
Brené Brown's No. 1 Raving Fan
From the day I stumbled upon Brené Brown's TED talk back in 2012, where she was the first person to make me feel like I was enough, I've read every word in every book she's written, watched every video she's ever appeared in, enrolled in every certification she's offered and followed her like her #1 Raving Fan!