
Fierce and Free • 15 Commitments I Ask of My Coaching Clients for Joyful Liberation

Every successful relationship is not 50/50. It's actually 100/100. Both parties need to show up, be seen and live brave. Are you willing to be and do your part, your 100%? As I show up 100% for my coaching clients, every time, I ask of them these 15 commitments, so that they too live fierce and free!

1. Fill out weekly Pre-call Reflections one day before our scheduled session

2. Choose wisely where you invest your time, and with whom

3. Stop swirling in busyness and get down to business

4. Make time to be still and silent to see what emerges

5. Pay sharp attention to the stories that your mind loops on repeat

6. Remove all sources of stress or distractions, one at a time

7. Face fears, feel them, and take aligned action

8. Courageously spring clean your relationships, where needed

9. Experiment instead of stay stuck in analysis paralysis

10. Loosen your beliefs daily, so you can change them

11. Extract learning from whatever happens

12. Love and care for yourself

13. Gently unpack emotionally-charged issues with utmost self-compassion

14. Be honest at all times, with everyone you interact with, especially with yourself

15. Get the support you need outside of coaching/mentoring as needed (eg. accountant, lawyer, financial planner, marriage counsellor, child care, naturopath, massage therapist, etc.)

I ask a lot of my clients. Along the journey, should any of these commitments not be upheld, that's ok too. We've got a toolbox of 118 tools to cherish and champion you and free your genius, so that it can free the world!

Freedom, travel, play!

xo, Ella



Having lived, died and traveled 131 countries, 87 emotions, 16 career reinventions, and 46.5 traumas, Ellany Lea inspires and guides women overachievers, phoenixes, wisdom keepers, and entrepreneurs to free her genius, so it frees the world.