
Meet Anna Sabino


She is a liberator. Anna co-creates author careers that liberate the words and businesses in need to be widely shared.

Her Many Hats

Designer / Author of Your Creative Career / Business Building Coach / Speaker

first moment of enlightenment

I realized that I could start anything I wanted if I put my heart into it. Education, experience and resources matter less than grit and resilience.


My coaching clients and readers shared with me that I give actionable advice and inspire to take action.

Cracks her up every time!

Anything by Liza Koshy

books that transformed her life

The Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss and Give and Take by Adam Grant


About Her

one of the hardest moments of her life?

I think the hardest were the costly mistakes I made running my jewelry business. Years ago I made a poor decision of expanding and starting a handbag line. When I noticed that the expansion was taking my brand in the wrong direction, I decided to get inspired by Seth Godin's book The Dip - cut the losses without wasting time and energy trying to get the investment back.

What used to terrify her?

Taking big risks without quite being ready for it.


Kelley and I were taking acting classes, she was about to fly cross country for a date, I knew we were going to be best friends.

F*ck this shit moment

I get these moments every time software or hardware doesn't perform the way it should. It's so frustrating to waste time on things that don't add to our entrepreneurial game.


About her Business

About her business (5 words or less)

Guiding creative entrepreneurs to success.

biggest leap of faith taken in her business?

I signed a book deal giving up all the rights to my book Your Creative Career.

most thrilling "high"? most challenging "low"?

High: emails, reviews and heartwarming words from my readers and clients letting me know how my words and advice impacted their lives. Low: sometimes life gets in the way and I feel I can't be at 100%. I then accept that it's beautifully human and keep going at whatever speed I can.

false advice being taught in her industry?

Follow your passion. It's not enough to follow your passion to build a sustainable business.

What do you need to do less of in your business?

I've been working on being detached from results. It's out of my control. I focus on simply loving the process.

How did she overcome her fear of selling??

By keeping providing additional valuable info for free. Making sure my customers get more than they expected is crucial.

hardest part about being a trailblazer?

Sometimes you have to find and pave a new path as things haven't been done.

What's next for her?

I'm creating a mastery course: Write, Publish and Create a Solid Stream of Income with Your Book.

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(First Published apr 19, 2018)



Having lived, died and traveled 131 countries, 87 emotions, 16 career reinventions, and 46.5 traumas, Ellany Lea inspires and guides women overachievers, phoenixes, wisdom keepers, and entrepreneurs to free her genius, so it frees the world.