
Meet Danika Zoe

Danika co-creates the action that liberates the inner brilliance of overachieving superwomen. She is a liberator.

Her Many Hats

Leadership Coach / Change Agent / Cat Mom / World Traveler / Overachieving Superwoman

First moment of enlightenment

That not everybody has to like me.

F*ck this shit moment

I love that moment when you can finally quit a job that isn't serving you anymore. Freeeeeedoommmmm!

Cracks her up every time!

This elephant playing with a ribbon:

Books that transformed her life

E-Myth and the Desire Map, currently :)

About Her

One of the hardest moments of her life?

I failed out of theatre school when I was 17 - my first major and public failure. I spent the next ten years proving that I was good enough to make it in the film industry - before uncovering what I really loved: the study of human nature.

What used to terrify her?

Social Media Marketing. I hired an expert to teach me what to do.


I am an Activator, so my unique power is to help other people take action.

There is no roadmap on how to design a unique life all of your own.

Grateful to her top BFFs

Met them working at a promotional event, at a party, and at school. I want to thank them for being as real and transparent as they are.

Romantic partner?

Met on Bumble - but we were already Facebook friends ;)


About her Business

About her business (5 words or less)

Coaching dedicated overachievers towards greatness

Mastermind Topic

I am teaching one on July 20th! How to Design a Life you LOVE.

Biggest leap of faith taken in her business?

Quitting all my other myriad jobs and focusing in on creating a 1-1 coaching practice + learning how to create a sales process.

Most thrilling "high"? most challenging "low"?

High - I love to travel and take time off from my business and have impromptu trips with my fiance :)

Low - Taking on my business finances like a grownup has been the hardest challenge!

False advice being taught in her industry

That you haven't made it until you are a six-figure coach.

What does She need to do less of in Her business?

I need to do less apologizing.

How did she overcome her fear of selling?

I practiced "shutting up" after saying my price and asking "how does that sound?"

Hardest part about being a trailblazer?

There is no roadmap on how to design a unique life all of your own.

What's next for her?

I have a webinar coming up called Design a Life you LOVE!

Connect with her logo-instagram logo-facebook


(First Published jul 17, 2018)



Having lived, died and traveled 131 countries, 87 emotions, 16 career reinventions, and 46.5 traumas, Ellany Lea inspires and guides women overachievers, phoenixes, wisdom keepers, and entrepreneurs to free her genius, so it frees the world.