
Meet Ellany Lea

Her many hats

Ellany is a Success Coach / Freedompreneurships Mentor / 100+ Countries Digital Nomad / Certified The Daring Way™ Facilitator and Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator trained by Brené Brown / Co-Author / Antigravity Yoga Instructor / Digital Wizard.


About her

One of the Hardest moments in your life?

Dad passing away shockingly suddenly while I was on country 3 of 16 of Exquisite Freedom tour, the biggest adventure / business campaign of my life!

How did you overcome it?

1. One of my besties Mainey happened to be already en route to meet me in Bali 2 days after the shocking news. She comforted me, helped me howl my grief at the full moon, and burn away the past.
2. When I was summoned home to sell my dad's estate, another bestie Maria arrived with angels (Jeff and Sam) to help me move 60 tons of pack-rat crap so we could sell it under 30 days so mom wasn't homeless and destitute.

Roots & Home

Born and raised in Canada, Taiwanese descent, moved to 64 different cities, now living in Spain


Instatrust: ability to create instant sense of trust, safety and being understood

Mastermind Topic

How to release anxiety and feel joy

Top 3 Influencers

Brené Brown, Caroline Myss, Marianne Williamson

Most impactful book/podcast

'Refuse to Choose' by Barbara Sher

Makes her Laugh Every Time

She used to be scared of...

Shining too bright therefore losing "friends"

F*ck this shit moment

Had a flash-forward of a miserable cookie-cutter life, left narcissistic ex-partner, moved half way around the world, started my first business.

Advice to 13 year old self

The people who criticize you don't understand or love you. Go find those who do, there are lots of them!

Best advice received

These mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb.


About her business

What is your business about?

Sametuary, a sanctuary for superwomen to put down their cape and tell the truth

Income Streams

Coaching, group masterminds, retreats, e-courses, referral commission, real-estate, low risk bank investments

Hardest part about Being a Trailblazer?

No role model to follow. I've been searching for 2 years for a female mentor: makes six-figures or more, quiet, of colour, feminine... still searching....

Best part about Being a Trailblazer?

I can't really fail at anything... because everything I try is new and never been done before.

Where do you get support? Or do you do it all yourself?

From my business partner Anne, flatmate Maria, six-figure business mentor, relationship coach, psychotherapist, virtual assistant, branding & marketing strategist, photographer, videographer,, housekeeper, book editor, personal chef, accountant, driver, travel agent, best friends, entrepreneurial sisters

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(First Published oct 6, 2017)



Having lived, died and traveled 131 countries, 87 emotions, 16 career reinventions, and 46.5 traumas, Ellany Lea inspires and guides women overachievers, phoenixes, wisdom keepers, and entrepreneurs to free her genius, so it frees the world.