Meet Erin Sullivan

Erin Sullivan is an end-of-life care practitioner / hospice volunteer / children's author / advocate / meditation facilitator / yoga instructor / author / expert napper / deep encourager / loving friend.

She has lived in beautiful Canada!

On Face Your Fierce

  • Living with Cystic Fibrosis, 20 years past her life expectancy
  • Letting go of the idea of independence
  • If men have a partner, they live longer. If women don't have a partner, they live longer.
  • How illness affects self-worth
  • Using "Loving Kindness" meta technique to find purpose again


What are you most proud of?
Continuing to open my heart, in the face of much loss and leaving my marriage

Describe “the hardest year”?
Illness, immense loss, extreme depletion (emotionally, physically), divorce, heart and soul breaking, acceptance, healing, light

What is your longest standing regret?
Not trusting my self, thus bailing on an opportunity to volunteer abroad

What was the dumbest thing you ever did (or almost did) to fit in?
Trying to fit in at all! Also, early-ish  consumption of alcohol.

Erin’s greatest purpose is to help others find strength, peace and light within. Living with Cystic Fibrosis, a chronic, life shortening, breath taking illness; she has been gifted the daily challenge, practice and forum, to help herself and others access and cultivate these inherent gifts.

Erin is a trained yoga teacher, meditation practitioner/facilitator, hospice volunteer and contemplative end-of-life care practitioner. She draws on experience from these trainings and her own life long journey with illness, hospitalization and the loss of countless loved ones, to illness, in order to support birth, life and the end of this life journey. Her first children’s book will soon be published.

Off paper, she's a lover of kitchen dance parties (or any dance party), and believes that kindness, compassion and the "f" word can bring light and freedom to all!
Erin is a little better at talking about ideas, than she is at acting on them. This is a work in progress! She laughs easily and often (cries almost as easily), and is grateful beyond
words or measure, for the family, friends, communities and light, she is surrounded by!

(First Published jul 13, 2016)



Having lived, died and traveled 131 countries, 87 emotions, 16 career reinventions, and 46.5 traumas, Ellany Lea inspires and guides women overachievers, phoenixes, wisdom keepers, and entrepreneurs to free her genius, so it frees the world.