Meet Jo Soley
Jo Soley co-creates authentic business coaching that liberates the direction of passionate female entrepreneurs. She is a liberator.
Her Many Hats
Founder / Marketing Coach / Daughter / Sister / Author / Bestie / Inspirer / Numerology Lover / Speaker / Wing Woman
First moment of enlightenment
When I was given Oprah's book. In 1998 Oprah had been promoting the movie ‘Beloved’ in a live television interview with the late film critic Gene Siskel and he asked her to tell him what she knew for sure. Oprah has been asked a lot of questions over the years and not often is she at a complete loss for words, but she was stopped in her tracks. This then became the central question of her life and from that day she explored the question in every issue of O magazine. From all her experiences, she has gleaned life lessons and put these thoughtful gems in a book packed with insight and revelation.
For me it was a complete change on how I viewed life. 'There isn't a rainbow without rain' is what Oprah gets across in every message that she shares. That you grow through the tougher times, that you are the master of your own destiny, that if you want changes in your life you are the one to make them happen.
There isn't a rainbow without rain.
– Oprah Winfrey
F*ck this shit moment
I was a in job that wasn't serving me on any level. I was unhappy. I was not working in my zone of genius, I felt I had nothing to give to the role. I could not connect to the others in the office. I dreaded the alarm clock. Things had gotten pretty bad!
I was at my desk one morning and remember seeing the Gloria Vanderbilt quote, "I believe one woman's success can only help another woman's success." I got my coat and walked out and never returned.
It was 8:15am on a Friday morning. I drove into the town where I lived at the time, bought a coffee and started the round of recruitment agencies. After the first one, I promised myself, "This is not for you. You will carve your own way. You have this and you are safe." The next day I started my own business and have never looked back. The rest, as they say, is history.
When you know your WHY you can figure out your HOW. My WHY is to empower other women in business by throwing away the rule book to create.
Books that transformed her life
The Universe Has your Back by Gabby Bernstein, a simpler way to digest "A Course in Miracles" and The Answer by Allan Pease (goal setting)
About Her
One of the hardest moments of her life?
In July 2005, I was working for the Tour Operator, MyTravel, as a Financial Trading Controller in the busy resort of Sharm El Sheik, in Egypt. On the Friday, July 22nd, I took myself to Sharm’s International Airport and was taking a flight back to the UK to attend a wedding, a funeral and my Grandmothers 86th birthday. In those days, resort staff could take one of the jump seats on the aircraft. However the plane had technical issues, which meant the plane was delayed. So I planned to go back to the airport the next day to try my luck on another plane.
I was looking forward to my first day off since arriving in the resort in April since MyTravel Egypt was a high-profile resort with 5 gateways, 7 airport days, 1700 arrivals and 88 hotels! Working in Arabic countries is always a challenge, especially as a woman!
My phone rang a few times at 1:00am, eventually waking me up. I received a phone call from the resort manager, explaining that there had been a bomb attack on Sharm El Sheik and one of our hotels, The Gazala Gardens, had been targeted. As the only manager in resort (The other members of the management team were at a conference 1.5-hour ferry journey away), I was required to contact the UK duty office and open an incident control room.
It was all so surreal. A suicide bomber had driven his car through the glass reception doors into the lobby and bar and then detonated a bomb killing himself and guests of the hotel. I remember bright lights, bodies, glass but feeling very focused and calm with a huge sense of purpose to make sure everyone was OK. The fight aspect of fight or flight I suppose.
There were 1718 people staying in the resort of Sharm El Sheik and my job was to ensure everyone was safe, that staff saw everyone and marked them safe, not just taking Mohammed at receptions word. Some of the resort staff were even sent to the morgue and the hospital to assist. My focus was to keep the UK team updated, make a call on how many rescue flights were needed to send everyone home, and ensure all families in resort were safe and had their needs met including food, shelter and temporary passports if required.
Through team work, diligence and duty of care, In the next few hours the 1718 people became 26 missing and eventually... 9 which were the number of fatalities.
My Message • On that day, I saw something in the human race that I had never seen before. The way we pull together in a crisis. The number of directors and managers from other countries who came over to help us. The Egyptian community apologising for their mankind and sending their love. The UK HR team calling our parents before they woke up and switched the news on to say we were safe. There was a real sense of team work and comradery which can get lost in the day to day of our lives.
For me, it was the realisation that specific areas that were targeted were in locations that the week before I was in. I had dinner at the very same Gazala Gardens. A week on, who knew what may have happened? It obviously wasn't my time. God had a bigger plan for me, a purpose and I had a job sheet from heaven that was my duty to fulfil!
What used to terrify her?
Public speaking. How did I overcome it? By pulling my big girl knickers up and sharing my message. I speak in Spain for International Women's Day.
Providing laser focused clarity for others to take inspired action to get the results they deserve!
Grateful to her top BFFs
Tracey J, met at nursery. Carly H, met at Ignite. Julie H met at biz retreat. The wisest women I know - thank you for your unconditional love.
I am currently busy building an empire and inspiring others to do the same :) He will come in when the cosmic tumblers align.
About her Business
About her business (5 words or less)
Attracting Clients & Growing your Business (the heart-centred way!).
Mastermind Topic
Your Brilliance In Numbers - Using the power of Numerology to Elevate your business.
Biggest leap of faith taken in her business?
Putting up my prices. Money is energy. Our rates reflect our self-worth.
High • I think the highs would be accumulation of clients getting results, their words of praise, winning awards, speaking from stage and sharing my message, writing my book. Having freedom to make my own decisions and choices in my business.
Low • I have worked hard to get where I am today. There have been times in the past when I moved 5 hours across the country and had to start again and get real clear on my message and when I didn't know where the next client was coming from. I believe that this is all part of the process to lift us. I have turned my mess into my message. The journey of a seed turning into a flower goes through the dark and the mud - the growth happens in the dark. The blooming is the nice part :)
False advice being taught in her industry
Selling the laptop beach lifestyle! It takes consistent and persistent work to build a business that is sustainable success.
What does She need to do less of in Her business?
Over giving - less is so much more. Boundaries are critical as an HSP - highly sensitive person.
Removing sales from the equation. I am simply inviting people to work with me. We can't take things too personally. It is business.
Hardest part about being a trailblazer?
The perception of being 'woo' or un-grounded as we are throwing away the rule book. There is no blueprint - let's just go for it!
What's Next for Her?
My book – ‘Attract Clients and Grow Your Business’ and launching my numerology packages.
Connect with her
(First Published Oct 16, 2018)

Having lived, died and traveled 131 countries, 87 emotions, 16 career reinventions, and 46.5 traumas, Ellany Lea inspires and guides women overachievers, phoenixes, wisdom keepers, and entrepreneurs to free her genius, so it frees the world.