Meet Karen Olson
Karen Olson is a Leadership Coach / Retreat Leader / Art-o-mancy Trainer / Energetic Literacy Advocate / Writer.
She’s lived in Australia / Austria / Minnesota / California / Arizona / Maine, USA
On Face Your Fierce
- The power of discernment between staying safe and staying small
The insights gained from doing nothing
Permaculture and energetic literacy as a way of life
Tell us about a moment when the Universe called and you answered?
"The elements had to get really loud to get your attention," said the Universe. I finally answered the call.
What makes you “seriously” different?
I grew up in a conservative suburb. Now I'm on a mission to bring "energetic literacy" to the world.
What is your longest standing regret?
Not making the most of some pretty big opportunities because of fear: magazine, book deal...
What’s a “fuck yeah! I did it!” moment?
I once went on a caving expedition in Mexico with the US Deep Caving Team (on a 3rd date) and became an official mapmaker.
Karen Olson is a coach, retreat leader, consultant, speaker, and writer. She mentors brilliant, creative women who want to overcome overwhelm, connect to their powerful presence and resilience, and become confident, vibrant leaders over the long haul. As an Art-o-mancy guide, she helps people explore their lives and work through works of art at major museums.
The former editor of Utne Reader, and current editor of Public Art Review, Karen's articles about personal growth, health, home, art, spirituality, and environment have appeared in numerous magazines and in Standford University's most popular course: Designing Your Life.
Off paper, she's a recovering perfectionist who's turning her yard into an urban farm.

Having lived, died and traveled 131 countries, 87 emotions, 16 career reinventions, and 46.5 traumas, Ellany Lea inspires and guides women overachievers, phoenixes, wisdom keepers, and entrepreneurs to free her genius, so it frees the world.