
Meet Megan Murphy

Her many hats

Actress / Radio DJ / Documentary Filmmaker / Comedy Improviser / Professional Emcee / Writer / Public Speaker / Firestarter / Ferociously Proud Sister and Aunt / Fierce Friend

Roots & Home

Born and raised in Canada. Strongly connected to my Irish roots, but with the soul of a wanderlust gypsy!


I collect people! I connect deeply with people almost instantly. I can have you believing in yourself, in all the possibilities, feeling like the worlds a great place to inhabit!

Mastermind Topic

Own Your Sh*t: How to become a participating member of your own life.

Top 3 Influencers

My parents / Kahlil Gibran and his incredible book "The Prophet" / Rainer Maria Rilke

Most impactful book/podcast

So many!! "Broken Open: How Difficult Times Help Us Grow" by Elizabeth Lesser. "Anam Cara: a book of Celtic Wisdom" by John O'Donohue. "Hero with a Thousand Faces" by Joseph Campbell. Or really anything by Joseph Campbell! Oh and "The Creative Habit" by Twyla Tharp.

She used to be scared of...

I look at my fear like a friendly challenge now. I think of fear like an airport. Nobody lives at the airport! It's a necessary place to get to your next destination, a place that makes you slow down and think, tests your security... you have to go through the fear to get where you're going.

F*ck this shit moment

I buried my mom, left the man I'd been engaged to and started the process of exhuming my broken spirit.

Advice to 13 year old self

Worrying won't change the outcome, it just poisons the present.

Best advice received

Find humour in everything, even in dying. If you laugh at yourself first, you'll never be a punch line. Live the questions - eventually, you'll live your way to the answers.

Income Streams

Self-employed morning radio show host, acting sporadically in plays and on television, make films and screen them publicly, public speaking engagements for service clubs, women's groups, community groups. Generally, I'm a creativity pimp


About her

One of the Hardest moments in your life?

My folks died, I ended my engagement, on my 35th birthday, moved into my childhood home. I was wildly depressed and desperately broken.

How did you overcome it?

I asked for help. I opened myself up to any and everything that might heal me. I tried to turn my pain into something creative and universal, so that it might someday help someone else.


About her business

What is your business about?

I'm a professional story teller and firestarter

Where do you get support? Or do you do it all yourself?

Friends and family of course. I LOVE my house cleaner, she keeps me sane! I hire people people who are better at certain things than me and in areas of life that I an accountant and a film editor so I don't eat my own face off!

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(First Published nov 10, 2017)



Having lived, died and traveled 131 countries, 87 emotions, 16 career reinventions, and 46.5 traumas, Ellany Lea inspires and guides women overachievers, phoenixes, wisdom keepers, and entrepreneurs to free her genius, so it frees the world.