
Meet Milena Nguyen

Her many hats

Founder / Author / Coach / Speaker / Trainer / Wife / Artist

Roots & Home

Vietnamese - born and raised, now living in Singapore, married to a Brazilian


I can help a person heal their wounds, break free from their inhibitions, and live their purpose.

I "stalked" Milena ever since I stumbled about her viral love story. May her love and courage give your heart wings too.

Mastermind Topic

How to find true love from the inside-out.


10,000 Miles for Love

Top 3 Influencers

Martha Beck, Thich Nhat Hanh, Joe Dispenza

Most impactful book/podcast

The Alchemist

She used to be scared of...


F*ck this shit moment

It was February 2014, I had a great job and a great partner, but felt empty, unhappy, and powerless. I realized nothing outside of me can make me happy. That's when I began my journey to go within.

Advice to 13 year old self

You're enough. You're made of love. You can.

Best advice received

"You can. And you will."

Income Streams

My private coaching practice, my online courses


About her

One of the Hardest moments in your life?

On my first trip abroad - to Kenya - I was in a bus accident. One friend I knew died. We were in the middle of the dessert at 2AM. No ambulance came. We sat on the sidewalk next to the bus until sunrise. When the sun came, a thought crossed my mind, "I am so lonely."

How did you overcome it?

After I overcame the traumatic attacks, I realized that the experience helped me understand how short and precious life is. So I have to be myself, be brave, and live fully while it lasts.


About her business

What is your business about?

I help women connect to their true self, and reach their full potential in all aspects of their life.

Where do you get support? Or do you do it all yourself?

Coach, online mastermind groups, my hubby :)

Connect with her logo-instagram logo-facebook


(First Published nov 3, 2017)



Having lived, died and traveled 131 countries, 87 emotions, 16 career reinventions, and 46.5 traumas, Ellany Lea inspires and guides women overachievers, phoenixes, wisdom keepers, and entrepreneurs to free her genius, so it frees the world.