
Meet Neeru Sharma

Neeru creates expeditions that liberate the passion and potential of global change makers. She is a liberator.

Her Many Hats

Founder / CEO / Executive Coach / Mom / Wife / Daughter / Sister, Lifelong Learner / Friend / Professor / Networker

first moment of enlightenment

On my 38th birthday, as I celebrated with family, friends and kids, I looked over my life, which quite honestly had settled into this happy, nice, cosy, safe expat lifestyle (adjectives I would have NEVER used to describe the life and career I wanted to live) and wondered what happened to all those dreams and aspirations I had as a feisty 18 year old. I knew I had to make a change in my life and step out of my comfort zone. I gave myself 2 years to get my career and spunk back "on track" by my 40th birthday. Little did I know that that vow was a call to adventure to the best 10 years of my life!

books that transformed her life!

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown and The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks


About Her

one of the hardest moments of her life?

One of my most challenging moments of my life was re-building my career after moving countries at the peak of my career. Falling flat on my face, rising slowly and courageously, picking up my hat and bag, dusting the dust off my clothes, chin held high, smile on my face - and moving onwards.

I turned this story around by acknowledging my journey, the love and life I had, and surrounding myself with champions who believed in me. They know who they are.

"Scarlett O'Hara did the most courageous thing she had ever been called on to do. She faced up to failure."

I like to compare my courage and spirit to Scarlet O'Hara from Gone with the Wind. I'm a very positive person and find it challenging to reflect on "hard moments of my life". I focus on the good. And the future. "Scarlett O'Hara did the most courageous thing she had ever been called on to do. She faced up to failure."

What used to terrify her?

Not knowing what was going to happen next. I craved control. I've learned to let go, and have fun receiving all that flows to me.


Unleashing Dreams


1) Seema - For seeing the spark in me through all the dust. We met through Yoga and the kids. 2) Sonam.

Romantic partner?

Oh! That's a story to be told over prossecco!! Let's say I was at the pinnacle of being my feisty best!

I have to continuously remind myself to slow down, breathe, smell the flowers, drink in life.

F*ck this shit moment

The second phase of my career involved working for a multinational company. I was in a leadership position and found myself being pulled backwards by office politics. Being a free spirit, this was just not going down with me. All my friends and supporters were encouraging me to fight back, but I could see my Genius elsewhere! I quit on a conference call and I was done.

Phew! It was a relief. I jumped that ship to start my own venture and within 3 months was making more money (with the freedom I always craved) than I ever made in a "job". Not bad at all. Never back to corporate for me.....


About her Business

About her business (5 words or less)

I help Visionary Global Changemakers create their legacy while living a life worth writing about

Mastermind topic

Dare to Dream

biggest leap of faith taken in her business?

Saying NO to 2 major clients who have given me regular business, so that I could create the next version of my business

most thrilling "high"? most challenging "low"?

Thrilling High! Seeing the impact my gifts and genius have on my clients. This is why I do what I do!

Challenging Low! Being a High Achiever, I have to continuously remind myself to slow down, breathe, smell the flowers, drink in life.The most challenging lows are when I come close to burn out.

false advice being taught in her industry?

Online marketing sells coaching. (For my industry deep relationships always create business.)

What does She need to do less of in Her business?

I need to outsource the technology parts of my business or hire a tech genius - it slows me down.

How did she overcome her fear of selling?

By really understanding what my client needs, and giving them that value and more

hardest part about being a trailblazer?

It's lonely sometimes :-(

What's next for her?

I'm working on creating a more accessible coaching program for early stage global change makers.

Connect with her logo-instagram logo-facebook


(First Published jul 10, 2018)



Having lived, died and traveled 131 countries, 87 emotions, 16 career reinventions, and 46.5 traumas, Ellany Lea inspires and guides women overachievers, phoenixes, wisdom keepers, and entrepreneurs to free her genius, so it frees the world.