Meet Tara Stephenson
Tara co-creates healthy and loving communities that liberate humanity's dreams and identity. She is a liberator.
Her Many Hats
Director / Photographer / Founder / Networker / Community Developer / Mentor / Event planner / Designer / Artist / Friend / Daughter /
First moment of enlightenment
I remember being 13 and really coming to know who Jesus was and what He had done for me. Since then I have had many moments where that knowing only grows deeper, to now to the knowing that I was born to be loved.
F*ck this shit moment
I have had an insane amount of visa trouble while living in Spain. I have had 4 lawyers and have been working over 4 years to make things right. I currently have a lawsuit but have never felt like I was going to fight it to that point. Instead, I have had a change of direction and am currently looking into visas in Ireland! It is time to turn a page and know when enough is enough.
Books that transformed her life
The Bible...but really and The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
From the Editor • Tara is the co-founder of The Dwelling House, a loving sanctuary and creative community space for artists to birth and share their art with the world. To me, Tara's superpower is her faith, a faith in the pure goodness of humanity, in the loving force of her God, and in the joy of fulfilling our soul's identity. You'll know what I mean by scrolling to down to her 5 word description of her business. Thank you The Living Room Co-Working for connecting us! ❤︎
About Her
One of the hardest moments of her life?
I was a part of seeing some great friends fall out of relationship. This affected our entire community as a whole and work as well. As much as I sought the facts and tried to understand what was happening, it didn't help the injustice of the situation. God is a part of my life in a very tangible way and I had to trust who He was and His promises despite the circumstance. This situation is still in progress and working itself out, but I have a deeper peace knowing that God will intercede more than I ever could.
What used to terrify her?
Choosing the "wrong" path. I notice that I have some of that in my thinking sometimes, but once I recognize it, it has no more power over me.
I have a wild intuition about people. When I walk into a room, I can sense who is truly lonely and those who want to be loved.
Fulfillment comes from knowing God and who I am.
Grateful to her top BFFs
I met them on an adventure trip around the world, serving alongside other organizations. I want to thank them for being fully themselves!
Romantic partner?
Waiting and hoping for this one. Know anyone? :)
About her Business
About her business (5 words or less)
Creating community to love well
Mastermind Topic
How to love your teammates well no matter who they are. Storytelling. Seeking God for purpose and identity.
Biggest leap of faith taken in her business?
Starting from scratch in a new city in the south of Spain. Pioneering a creative community not knowing who would show up.
Most thrilling "high"? most challenging "low"?
The best high is seeing people's lives transformed in those moments when they feel at home, seen, known and loved. That truly makes what I do have meaning and purpose.
The most challenging is organizing all the puzzle pieces. When you pioneer, you have so many hats to wear that it can be challenging to know which is priority and when things need to get done.
False advice being taught in her industry
When you get what you want or accomplish your vision, you are fulfilled. The truth is, to me, fulfillment comes from knowing God and who I am.
What does She need to do less of in Her business?
Meetings about meetings. We need more of a schedule in place to then be more efficient and have more free time.
How did she overcome her fear of selling?
I have a talent and a message and they are worth it.
Hardest part about being a trailblazer?
For me it's not about sharing the vision, but finding the right people to help continue the vision.
What's next for her?
I am moving to Ireland, will be helping smaller brands tell their story and will be working on my documentary photo projects.
Connect with her
(First Published aug 14, 2018)

Having lived, died and traveled 131 countries, 87 emotions, 16 career reinventions, and 46.5 traumas, Ellany Lea inspires and guides women overachievers, phoenixes, wisdom keepers, and entrepreneurs to free her genius, so it frees the world.