
You Are Needed • How to Not Catch the Comparison-itis Virus during a Global Pandemic



You are needed. Just not everyone at the same time. This pandemic is not a sprint, it's a tag team marathon. Slow and steady wins the race. 🌊 You are needed in waves: 1️⃣ The 1st wave are first responders (doctors, nurses, paramedics, etc.) and essential service providers (at supermarkets, pharmacies, banks, etc.). But they won't be able to hold the front line alone forever. 2️⃣ The 2nd wave are entertainers and mood lifters, who help bridge the gap of information, connection and entertainment. Otherwise many would fall into utter despair, restlessness, or depression. But they won't be able to hold the front line alone forever. 3️⃣ The 3rd wave are space holders, faith keepers, calm givers, and vibration raisers, who stand as lighthouses in the storm, reassuring everyone. But they won't be able to hold the front line alone forever. 4️⃣ The 4th wave are seers, survivors, and spiritual teachers, who can explaining what is going on and how to rise stronger, because they have been to hell and back. They know how this works, they will help reduce suffering. But they won't be able to hold the front line alone forever. 5️⃣ The 5th wave are healers, therapists, and lightworkers, who can catch you if you fall into depression, despair, existential crisis or even trauma from the pandemic. But they won't be able to hold the front line alone forever. 6️⃣ The 6th wave are the fire starters, community builders and creatives, who will help us all re-build, re-beautify and re-ignite our lives in the New Earth. But they won't be able to hold the front line alone forever. 🌊 Just like in the ocean, waves come and go, merge and dissolve, come alive and die out. You are needed. You may be one wave or you may be multiple waves. If it’s your turn, go forth and lead us! Then rest, hand the baton to the next wave. If it’s not your turn yet, rest and recharge because the baton is coming. 🏄🏻‍♀️🏄🏄‍♂️ Keep an eye out for the comparison-itis virus. 🧐 Wash your mindset 🧼 Wait your turn 🙏🙌 #anewearth #freedompreneur #guidetograce #soulmaturation #lifestylefreedom #successcoach #spiritualguide #digitalnomad #girlgoneinternational #gratitudepractice #joyisthebestmakeup

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With infinite grace,

xo, Ella

(First Published MAR 25, 2020)



Having lived, died and traveled 131 countries, 87 emotions, 16 career reinventions, and 46.5 traumas, Ellany Lea inspires and guides women overachievers, phoenixes, wisdom keepers, and entrepreneurs to free her genius, so it frees the world.