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4 Types of Knowing • Reclaim a Full Set of Knowing
This is bad for us, yet we keep doing it. This is good for us, yet we don't do it. Why? Because mind-knowing (conceptual) is not enough. We need a full set of: heart-knowing (emotional), body-knowing (experiential) and soul-knowing (universal) to create and sustain change.
Fields of Gold • Removing the Barriers to Joy (Body-knowing)
During a healing session in Bali, I couldn't perceive or discern my left foot from my right ear. I couldn't feel myself... as if... I had... no self. Through Fields of Gold, my body cried marble tears and felt joy for the very first time.
Private Journals on Somatic Experiencing and Healing Trauma
Will I ever be ok? In this cruel, harsh world? Can I even trust my memories? Or lack thereof? What's real and not real anymore? Isn't healing supposed to restore my energy, not drain it?
The Barf Bucket • How I Purged Patriarchy from my Body
Our wounds from our Family of Origin are often not about the parent or the perpetrator, but a window into larger forces at play: Sacred Contracts and karmic agreements. There is no overnight healing, but you can get your hands on a "Get Out of Jail Free" card from systemic patriarchy.
The Roasted Butterfly • How Overachievers and the Restless Self-destruct from Shiny Object Syndrome
Do you have Shiny Object Syndrome, aka ADD / ADHD, aka as Squirrel!!! 🐿🐿 🐿 Have you ever been over-zealous, saw something shiny, touched it then got burned?
My 16 Careers • Reinventing Identities as an Aerial Yoga Studio (Part 14/16)
I literally smacked into this career identity, which would lead to a love at first sight partnership 6 years later. The studio was up and running in 3 weeks time! But it's true what they say: if you're gonna fail, fail fast. But first, try everything 3 times.
My 16 Careers • Reinventing Identities as a Systems Designer (Part 7/16)
Go ahead, put on the golden shackles, I am ready to become the work ox and ATM machine I was born to be. It be another 12 years before I'd learn about "spiritual aridity" and how the cost of misery is too high a price to pay.
Power of Iterations • How I Built my Signature Program Organically
Whether it's a workshop, a virtual training or something in between, your masterclass, your life's masterpiece, can be created the hard way or the graceful way
The Invisible Child • How I Discovered that I Do Matter
Who knew that "failing" at a ropes course would lead to my hyperachiever saboteur's RIP funeral. And the moment my feet touched the ground, a lightning bolt of truth shot through the back of my head, neck and shoulder blades, “How have I never mattered before? How is this the first time?”
Vipassana 10-day Silent Meditation Retreat is like Elective Surgery
A Vipassana 10-day silent meditation retreat is like elective surgery. You know you don't absolutely need it, but you also know that it could significantly enhance your quality of life. Yes, there will likely be pain, but there will also be freedom.
The Knot • How Somatic Symptoms Points to Self-Betrayal
Nothing can prepare you for the rupture of betrayal. Nobody can prepare you for the inconvenience of spiritual awakening. One gnarly knot in my spine woke me up to what betrayal truly unveils.
Hot and Itchy Endurance Test • How I Reclaimed My Invincibility
Even though I had a near breaking point when I had to poop in a plastic bag inside my tent, I felt invincible because: no one can offload their shit onto me, no one could steal my joy. No one. And that is the kind of invincibility I wish for you.
The Pillow Fort • How I Gained Time Abundance and Freedom
My knew about herding time block to free up my time. My heart knew the joy and abundance of time. Even my soul knew The Void and no-time. But my body didn't yet know until that night how to halt time to near infinite.
5 Attempts at Sharing Ayahuasca Higher Consciousness Experience
Human language is so limited to describe the mystical experience. Even so, the soul residing in human flesh can't help but try anyway.
How School Kills Creativity • My First Short Story
I was watching a TED Talk on Why Schools Kill Creativity. A couple of days later, I met up with a high school friend for brunch. We reminisced and somehow ended up on the topic of floss. She exclaimed, "Oh my god, do you remember your floss story, the one you wrote in high school?" My first reaction was of trembling...