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My Spiritual + Creative Funnies Collection

For when you are having "one of those days" and need solace or a kick in the mental butt, I give you my Spiritual Funnies Collection. May Sapien's absurdity rip open a hardy laugh as sacred medicine.



Passive Trauma • How Every Human Has Some PTSD

I spent months uneasy with the diagnosis of PTSD. In my ego-construct, PTSD was exclusively reserved for war veterans, refugees, and car crash and assault victims. It turns out, shame had me believe that I wasn't worthy of the PTSD diagnosis, ie of its healing...



How School Kills Creativity • My First Short Story

I was watching a TED Talk on Why Schools Kill Creativity. A couple of days later, I met up with a high school friend for brunch. We reminisced and somehow ended up on the topic of floss. She exclaimed, "Oh my god, do you remember your floss story, the one you wrote in high school?" My first reaction was of trembling...