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Core Values • Consciously Choose your Inner Compass

Do you ever wonder why you do certain things, and why you don't do certain things?

On our path of personal growth, most everything can be traced back to our core values. When we do things that are aligned with our values, we experience more freedom, flow, magic and joy. When our values have been compromised by ourselves or by others, that's when we feel disconnected, riddled with dilemmas, anxious, even lonely, and stressed.


Can you succinctly name the top 2 that you live by?

Abundance Forgiveness Novelty
Achievement / Triumph Freedom Oneness
Actualization Friendship / Kinship Openness
Adaptability / Flexibility Fulfillment Optimism / Positivity
Adventure / Exploration Fun / Play Order / Organization
Altruism / Service Generosity Originality / Non-conformity
Ambition / Drive Grace  Passion / Enthusiasm
Art / Artistry Gratitude Patience / Acceptance
Athleticism / Sportsmanship Grit / Perseverance Peace / Silence
Authenticity Happiness  Pleasure
Balance Harmony Practicality / Realistic
Beauty Health Presence
Belonging / Inclusion Home Productivity / Efficiency
Calm / Serenity Honour Purpose
Competence / Resourcefulness Humility Reflection / Contemplation
Care / Support / Nurture Humour Reliability / Dependability
Collaboration Idealism Resilience
Communication Independence / Autonomy Respect
Compassion Innocence Responsibility / Accountability
Confidence / Agency Innovation / Initiative
Connection / Community Inspiration / Awe Risk taking
Consciousness / Awareness Integrity / Alignment
Safety / Stability
Contribution / Impact Intelligence Self-expression
Courage Intimacy Sexuality
Creativity Intuition Simplicity / Minimalism
Curiosity / Wonder Joy Spaciousness
Decisiveness  Justice / Equality Spirituality
Diplomacy Kindness / Thoughtfulness Strategy
Discernment / Clarity Knowledge Structure
Discipline / Commitment  Leadership Time / Free Time
Diversity Logic  Tradition
Effectiveness Love Trust
Empathy Loyalty Truth / Honesty
Empowerment Mastery / Excellence Vision / Foresight
Entrepreneurship  Maturity Wealth  
Faith Meaningfulness Wholeness   
Family Meticulousness Wisdom / Experience
Flow / Surrender Mindfulness Other •
Focus  Nature Other •

* Feel free to add values to the list or use your own terms / synonyms.


Although I embrace 80 of the above values listed, my top 2 core values of freedom and integrity. Ever since I made the choice to live by my values, moment to moment, regardless of what others may think, my life has been so simple and effortless.

Your values are your internal compass that guides you to:

  • make decisions quickly without regret,
  • step into uncertainty, trusting that what is to come is even greater than anything you could have foreseen, and
  • wake up fulfilled that you are the best version of yourself and making a difference in other people's lives!


There are certain things in business and life that you are just not meant to do alone. You can, but it's so much better to do them with people by your side, championing you on.

As an overachiever, or as a human being in general, one of the hardest things in life is to ask for help. I know. I never asked for help. Ever. Until I learned (the hard way) that it doesn't make me weak, incapable, imperfect or less valuable of a person to ask for help.

What a paradox: asking for help made me even stronger, more capable, and more valuable to my clients and to the world. Go figure!

If you need clarity or guidance discovering, applying and living by your values, consider enrolling in one of our coaching program.

Live fierce, live free.

xo, Ella

(First Published Jan 1, 2016)



Having lived, died and traveled 131 countries, 87 emotions, 16 career reinventions, and 46.5 traumas, Ellany Lea inspires and guides women overachievers, phoenixes, wisdom keepers, and entrepreneurs to free her genius, so it frees the world.