
Truth Biscuits for our Most Vulnerable Parts Need to Hear

Every piece of your masterpiece counts.

Whether you're completing the month, this year, a piece of your creative puzzle, or an entire identity reinvention, here's a series of 24 truth biscuits to install peace and levity in your  heart and work.

Use them to conjure your own truth medicine for what your Parts most need to hear right now.

Disclaimer: some biscuits may zing 🍪🌶️.

When creating, starting or finishing feels so impossibly hard, repeat ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth moon dragon

(What my Moon Dragon most needed to hear. And yours?)

When it comes to your purpose, calling or masterpiece, remember that ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth polymath

(What my Polymath most needed to hear. And yours?)

And when you run into fear, say and pray ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth mystic

(What my Mystic most needed to hear. And yours?)

When you run into shame, remember that ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth insufficient

(What my Insufficient Child most needed to hear. And yours?)

When you assert your power and are told you're too much, drown them out with ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth overachiever

(What my Overachiever most needed to hear. And yours?)

Because in the end... ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth too much

(What my Too Much Child most needed to hear. And yours?)

The truth will set you free, but first it'll piss you off. This is one of those piss-offs 😂😭 ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth powerless

(What my Powerless Child most needed to hear. And yours?)

But if you're willing to alchemize grief into glory and victimhood into victory, then ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth death wisher

(What my Death Wisher most needed to hear. And yours?)

In the meantime, until you have fully digested your power ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth invisible EN

(What my Invisible Child most needed to hear. And yours?)

To reach our core, truth medicine needs to be dispensed in the language of origin at the age the wound was inflicted. ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth invisible

("怎麼了?" doesn't translate the same to English, but interprets as "What's the matter? What happened?" No one ever asked me this question until my 30's.)

There is no shortage of cherishing here ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth unsafe EN

(What my Unsafe Child most needed to hear. And yours?)

Only the Mandarin version could reach my core since the wound was inflicted pre-English ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth unsafe

There is no shortage of championing here ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth deprived EN

(What my Deprived Child most needed to hear. And yours?)

And when self-doubt creeps in, remember that you are deserving  ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth abandoned

(What my Abandoned Child most needed to hear. And yours?)


When the weight of the world feels heavy, it's because ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth immigrant

(What my Immigrant most needed to hear. And yours?)

When that weight is crushing, it's because ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth skyholder

(What my Skyholder most needed to hear. And yours?)


Transformation is hard – death and rebirth go hand in hand ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth failure

(What my Failure Child most needed to hear. And yours?)

No ashes, no rising ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth wild woman

(What my Wild Woman most needed to hear. And yours?)

Burning hurts like a bitch to the exponent MOFO, but there's no other alternative ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth freak

(What my Freak Child most needed to hear. And yours?)

And when the price feels too high, remember ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth disposable

(What my Disposable Child most needed to hear. And yours?)

Sneak Peek

When past hurt flashbacks, hijacks or bitch slaps you in the face ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth burden

(What my Burden Child most needed to hear. And yours?)

I know you were told to be small, silent and sweet, but ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth freedompreneur

(What my Freedompreneur most needed to hear. And yours?)


Start (and maintain) your rebellion with ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth mistake

(What my Mistake Child most needed to hear. And yours?)

When you're running on fumes fighting the good fight, recharge with ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth ouroboros

(What my Ouroboros most needed to hear. And yours?)


Because in the end... ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth empath

(What my Empath most needed to hear. And yours?)


And then you are freed! ⤵︎

quote - opportestiny most truth fire phoenix

(What my Fire Phoenix most needed to hear. And yours?) 


May this year end fuel your fierce, and launch you into a fulfilling freedom.

Live fierce, fulfilled and free.

xo, Ella

(First Published Dec 1, 2024)



Having lived, died and traveled 131 countries, 87 emotions, 16 career reinventions, and 46.5 traumas, Ellany Lea inspires and guides women overachievers, phoenixes, wisdom keepers, and entrepreneurs to free her genius, so it frees the world.