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S.M.A.R.T.E.R Pacing • Discern Sacred Contracts, Dreams, Habits, Goals and Tasks
In our yearning/zeal to build co-utopia, re-member these truths: 1. We cannot hand crank our karma to our will. 2. Not every dream needs to actualized. 3. Not every idea needs to be monetized. Discern and know what propels and pressures you.
10 Types of Freedom • What Freedoms Would You Add to Cart?
After a talk I gave last year, audience members asked me what fuelled / drove my quest for freedom. "All I've ever wanted... is to be free," those words fell out of my jaw for the first time.
9 Year Growth Cycles • Flow with your Natural Rhythms and Seasons
Do you flow with or against the natural season of your Life? You're not a goddamn salmon! You do NOT have to swim upstream against the current. When flowing with your season, there is an ease, a peace. When you force against it, you crawl on porcupines. What will you chose?
Creative Devotion (Part 1) • That's the goal, to survive your gift
It’s been 8 years and 7 months of space clawing, treading shards, fire palming and tear tagging to birth my story/masterpiece. And I didn’t even want to be a writer in the first place. That's the nature and story of creative devotion.
Tao of Creativity • Transform Inspiration into Actualization
Creativity follows a tao [Chinese: 道], which means path, from chakra to chakra. Any blockage along the way can abort creativity. What are these blockages? Watch this wisdom video to stop living with foot on the gas pedal, but handbrake on.
The Liberator's Journey... for a Freedom Seeker (Part 3)
What happens after we return home, powerful and whole? The hungry freedom seeker is about to transform into a fulfilled liberator on The Liberator's Journey...
The Heroine's Journey... for a Woman Overachiever (Part 2)
Instead of transforming a hero from lone outcast to victorious warrior, The Heroine's Journey transforms a heroine from abandoned girl to reclaimed goddess....
The Hero's Journey... for a Lifestyle Entrepreneur (Part 1)
Anytime you're about to do something new, different, or daring, whether you know it or not, you are embarking on a quest. Joseph Campbell coined this quest The Hero's Journey...
Power of Iterations • How I Unleashed my Masterclass Organically
I once stumbled upon an e-course called "Create your Damn E-course" and it made me chuckle because without even realizing it, people were damning their own e-courses right from the beginning. No wonder they never finished the e-course, didn't launch it, or launched it but made no money.
Power of Iterations • How I Unleashed my Boutique Brand Organically
This week, doing the right things in the right order is the focus. You must know your ideal client before you tailor your curriculum to their deepest needs.You must build a dream team (even if it just starts with one, plus you) before you dive into recording/editing or you won't make it to the finish line...
Power of Iterations • How I Unleashed my Genius Organically
There is faaaaaar too much hype around "Make $90,000 in 90 Days!", "Be Famous in Five Minutes!", "Six weeks to Six-figures!", or "11 Day E-course Challenge". I'm not saying that those claims don't work. I'm saying that it's not the full picture. I'm saying what they're not saying...
Rest and Recharge • How to Source from a Wiser Fuel
It's official: Cuba is the best place to unplug... because there is no plug. Internet is scarcely available at a teeny tiny handful of locations. If you can't make it to Cuba to fully unplug, I've gathered my favourite quotes and wisdom gems here to remind us all to rest and recharge.
You Are Needed • How to Not Catch the Comparison-itis Virus during a Global Pandemic
You are needed. Just not all at the same time. This pandemic is not a sprint, it's a tag team marathon. Wait your turn because the relay baton is coming.
Power of Iterations • How I Built my Signature Program Organically
Whether it's a workshop, a virtual training or something in between, your masterclass, your life's masterpiece, can be created the hard way or the graceful way
Making Peace with Time • 4 Iterations from Busyness Tracker to Time Freedom
Entrepreneurship can seem overwhelming, where the more you do, the more there is to do. At least with freedompreneurship, the more you do, the less there is to do in the long run. With freedompreneurship, there is freedom at the end of the tunnel...
Ascension Flu • 6 Ways to Survive a Spiritual Flu
Even though I had a near breaking point when I had to poop in a plastic bag inside my tent, I felt invincible because: no one can offload their shit onto me, no one could steal my joy. No one. And that is the kind of invincibility I wish for you.
Big Picture Reset • A Grounding Ritual for Momentum and Consistent Success
How do you gracefully and joyfully keep up the momentum in your business, especially during summer lulls, back-to-school frenzy, and blink-and-it's-here holiday busyness? I use the Big Picture Reset as my grounding ritual for consistent success.
Stages of Dating • How to Love your Business to Court your Audience
Entrepreneurship is like dating. When you're dating your business, are you still flirting with other businesses? Or worse yet, are you getting into bed with your old corporate job? :O