S.M.A.R.T.E.R Pacing • Discern Sacred Contracts, Dreams, Habits, Goals and Tasks
Pacing is a skill. Yes, 99% of parents/school/society failed to teach it to us. But it can be learned in adulthood. Never too late!
If you try to build everything + all at once + by yourself without pacing, there are 4 possible outcomes:
Process | Crossed the Finish Line | But... |
Burnout | ❌ | |
Dejected | ❌ |
Brutal | ✅ |
Too ill to enjoy the harvest |
Miserable | ✅ |
You have become the misery |
What if there's a better way? |
You're alchemizing and unleashing your masterpiece, not slapping together a sandwich. It's supposed to take time. It was always supposed to be your way.
To make best use of that time, to sustain momentum, creative longevity, sanity, fulfilling impact and a delightful journey, plus visible/palpable progress that feels freeing, 4-know and discern the difference between Sacred Contracts, dreams, habits, goals and tasks. ⤵︎
Select Dreams |
Mini-Habits |
Micro-Goals |
Nano-Tasks |
Ethereal |
Ethereal0 |
Physical |
Physical |
Physical |
Propelled by
Karma |
Fantasies / Delusions |
Self-expression |
Wisdom |
Completion serotonin |
Free Will |
None2 |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Very High |
Multiple Lifetimes |
A Lifetime |
Months3 |
Weeks |
Days |
Inner Pressure
If awakened Very High5 If not yet awakened None6 |
If high bandwidth High7 If depressed, unwell, or ill Low8 |
If soul-aligned Medium9 If not soul-aligned Medium10 |
If customized Medium-Low11 If ruled by the DWG Very High |
If customized Low If follow the masses High12 |
Stress Responses
Stuck in Fight Response |
Stuck in Freeze Response |
Stuck in Fawn Response |
Stuck in Flight Response |
Truth Biscuit 🥠
You cannot hand crank your karma to your will. | Not every dream needs to actualized. |
Smooth the ice then glide it across. |
Not every idea needs to be monetized. |
The best way is your way. |
Noteworthy 🔍🤓
0 In case it was stolen from you, I'm officially restoring your full permission and human right to have ideas, for the simple joy and pleasure of having them.
1 Nano-tasks require reality checks – I know, I know, reality sucks. But you are here in this reality. Without them, it'll just suck more.
2 Both Karma and Birth Chart are completely outside of the person, ie outside of your control. Trying to control them = generating more of your own suffering.
3 If something takes years, then you're in Nowhere Land, between Select Dreams and Mini-Habits. You can:
- Release it back into the ether allow it to expand and unfold on its own, or
- Break it down into a smaller Mini-Habit, Micro-goal, or Nano-task.
4 If nano-task is not customized to you, the mind misgauges it for a micro-goal and inherits it's high difficulty, high resistance, even high overwhelm.
5 A sign of awakening is often a sudden, very high pressure from within, inexplicable to the mind and impalpable to the 5 senses.
6 It's actually quite peaceful living as a rock... but then again, you're not really living if you're not alive.
7 After a life-changing catalyst or transformational retreat, that overflowing wish to create a global revolution that touches millions, that's "lava dream" asking to flow from the ethereal into the physical through you.
8 Flagellating yourself for not working on your masterpiece when you're ill or unwell from crushing childcare and/or eldercare is a huuuuuuge waste of energy. See the little smoke from the volcano chimney? There is sign of life. Your dream(s) are not dead, dead. They'll still be there when you regain bandwidth.
9 The inner pressure are the same for soul-aligned and non-soul-aligned Mini-Habits, so you might as well go for soul-aligned.
10 Nobody likes to have their butt chomped, but it's not nearly as bad as having your head alligator chomped. This explains why we avoid scaffolding lifelong beneficial habits... we're waiting for the alligator.
11 Especially if you're in a good place and have enough money, Micro-Goals don't really work because the pressure from within is meh-low. This explains why we relapse into DWG rules to try to s(t)imulate high drive/motivation, fueled by threat of expulsion and/or persecution.
12Generic nano-tasks are a little more survivable than DWG Micro-Goals, but the threat of persecution for non-conformity still makes it hard.
S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Pacing
More insights and elaboration next week!
The tortoise always wins the race 🐢.
Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.
– Robert Schuller

Having lived, died and traveled 131 countries, 87 emotions, 16 career reinventions, and 46.5 traumas, Ellany Lea inspires and guides women overachievers, phoenixes, wisdom keepers, and entrepreneurs to free her genius, so it frees the world.