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S.M.A.R.T.E.R Pacing • Discern Sacred Contracts, Dreams, Habits, Goals and Tasks
In our yearning/zeal to build co-utopia, re-member these truths: 1. We cannot hand crank our karma to our will. 2. Not every dream needs to actualized. 3. Not every idea needs to be monetized. Discern and know what propels and pressures you.
Parts Integration • Know your Whole Self. Wholeness is Freedom.
Have you ever felt torn: a part wants this... another part wants that... but this part fears X... and that other part must have Y? Feel a little at war with yourself? What if you could integrate all your parts into one harmonious whole, one voice, one mind-heart-body-soul?
Reinvention Carousel • Unlearn and Relearn Identity and Creativity
There are 16 options for reinventing your identity, whether it be a business, brand, or creative identity. Each carry different levels of: success, suffering, joy and fear. Which merry-go-round will you ride?
Labyrinth of Fears • Unmask the 25 Faces of Fear
Turns out there aren’t 25 different types of fear. There is one root fear, which wears 25 different masks. If you could unmask each one, could you become fearless, as in less afraid? If you practiced fear dissolution, could you become fear-free? Let’s explore.
Creative Devotion (Part 1) • That's the goal, to survive your gift
It’s been 8 years and 7 months of space clawing, treading shards, fire palming and tear tagging to birth my story/masterpiece. And I didn’t even want to be a writer in the first place. That's the nature and story of creative devotion.
My Opportestiny • Put Humpty Dumpty back together again
Have you ever fallen off a great wall and painstakingly put yourself back together again? That has a name, it's called: Opportestiny.
"Whatever pain you can’t get rid of, make it your creative offering." – Susan Cain
"Whatever pain you can’t get rid of, make it your creative offering." – Susan Cain
Tao of Creativity • Transform Inspiration into Actualization
Creativity follows a tao [Chinese: 道], which means path, from chakra to chakra. Any blockage along the way can abort creativity. What are these blockages? Watch this wisdom video to stop living with foot on the gas pedal, but handbrake on.
My 16 Careers • Reinventing Identities as a Spiritual Guide (Part 16/16)
All these spiritual flues, energetic ascensions, and mystical experiences, I never asked for any of them. Did I? I feel like I made a heap of choices before coming to Earth, but I can't remember most of them. Would I have lived differently if I remembered those choices?
Flow States • Sustain Creative Joy and Longevity
Working in Flow state, with skill and challenge levels optimal to you, is like smoothing the ice then sliding your ideas across the surface. Or would you rather carry the load on your shoulders up a jagged volcano?
Stress Responses • Return to Safety from Fight, Flight, Freeze, and Fawn
As a freedompreneur, your business is a vehicle to free yourself and others, not an ambulance straight to the Emergency Room (or the grave ⚰️😛). If you don't consciously down-regulate your stress, you and your business will not reach the finish line.
The Liberator's Journey... for a Freedom Seeker (Part 3)
What happens after we return home, powerful and whole? The hungry freedom seeker is about to transform into a fulfilled liberator on The Liberator's Journey...
The Heroine's Journey... for a Woman Overachiever (Part 2)
Instead of transforming a hero from lone outcast to victorious warrior, The Heroine's Journey transforms a heroine from abandoned girl to reclaimed goddess....
The Hero's Journey... for a Lifestyle Entrepreneur (Part 1)
Anytime you're about to do something new, different, or daring, whether you know it or not, you are embarking on a quest. Joseph Campbell coined this quest The Hero's Journey...
Creative Devotion (Part 2) • 14 Lessons on Masterpiece Making
Here are 14 Lessons from my "6-Month Writing Devotional" aka “Dredging my psyche for bodies" aka "Worst 6 months of my life." I do NOT recommend it. But if you are mad enough to proceed, you will be so freeeeeed. Apply these lessons to re/creating an identity, business, book, revolution, or life worth living. You have been warned. 😉
Spiritual Quotient (SoulQ) • Shift from Ego Driven to Soul Lead
This is the universal human paradox: how do we live with a "phenomenal cosmic power" soul in an "itty bitty" human body (that has gargantuan incessant needs) on a tiny 3rd rock from the sun, amongst ~ 40 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 stars.
Self-Development Junkie • Investing $100k/10/98 to Reclaim Freedom
Are you a self-development junkie too? Have you signed up for every retreat that sparked your soul, every workshop that tickled your mind, and every healing modality that soothed your heart? I have...
Adopted Family • Five Degrees of Joy Mirroring (Soul-knowing)
Mama Bear always looked at me with a sparkle of "You. Are. A. Bringer. Of. Joy." Me, joy? As if. But after 5 degrees of mirroring, I couldn't deny it anymore. They didn't see joy in me. They saw me as joy. I was the joy. Could it be?
Life Purpose Petals • Why Am I Here?
Have you ever caught yourself sobbing "It's not fair!" or ripping your hair out "But that makes no sense!?!" We didn't come here for fairness or sense making. Our souls came here to: grow, love, be loved, enjoy and be of service.
Power of Iterations • How I Unleashed my Masterclass Organically
I once stumbled upon an e-course called "Create your Damn E-course" and it made me chuckle because without even realizing it, people were damning their own e-courses right from the beginning. No wonder they never finished the e-course, didn't launch it, or launched it but made no money.
Power of Iterations • How I Unleashed my Boutique Brand Organically
This week, doing the right things in the right order is the focus. You must know your ideal client before you tailor your curriculum to their deepest needs.You must build a dream team (even if it just starts with one, plus you) before you dive into recording/editing or you won't make it to the finish line...
Power of Iterations • How I Unleashed my Genius Organically
There is faaaaaar too much hype around "Make $90,000 in 90 Days!", "Be Famous in Five Minutes!", "Six weeks to Six-figures!", or "11 Day E-course Challenge". I'm not saying that those claims don't work. I'm saying that it's not the full picture. I'm saying what they're not saying...
My 16 Careers • Reinventing Identities as a Web Design Agency (Part 11/16)
This career identity took twice as long to let go than to build. I resented the Universe for calling me onto a new path, which I didn't even ask for it, and for making something I adored feel like such a drag.
My 16 Careers • Reinventing Identities as a United Nations Consultant (Part 10/16)
This career was dreamier than the previous dream career. If I let it go there will be nothing left. It'd be years before I'd know that when you reach the end of your rope, the Universe intervenes. Not to hand you a new rope (that would be too easy), but to...
My 16 Careers • Reinventing Identities as an Aerospace Engineer (Part 5/16)
Someone out there is able to study the cosmos thanks to aerospace telescope parts that I made with my two bare hands. But keeping the awe of the cosmos in my heart isn't the same as spending an entire career climbing uphill toward an impenetrable "Boys Club."
My 16 Careers • Reinventing Identities as an Industrial Machinist (Part 3/16)
I had never touched any kind of industrial machinery before, but my aluminum coupling turned out better than my mentor's. But that career would have been an over-compensation for the career that my dad loss.
My 16 Careers • Reinventing Identities as a Computer Teacher (Part 1/16)
Navigating identity crisis, non-conformity and freedom requires a soul with stamina. "The price is high, the reward is great." May these stories of my 16 career identity re-inventions inspire you to make brave leaps of faith, examine your choices with awe, and surrender to the unfolding of your unique path.
Ellany's 9 Micro-habits for More Peace, Joy and Time Freedom
All these spiritual flues, energetic ascensions, and mystical experiences, I never asked for any of them. Did I? I feel like I made a heap of choices before coming to Earth, but I can't remember most of them. Would I have lived differently if I remembered those choices?
Vipassana Practice • How the Tortoise Always Wins the Race
Though I have chosen intense moments of "hare," I am the endurance tortoise, where slow and steady wins the race. Every time. Like Angela Duckworth says, "Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is rare."
Vipassana 10-day Silent Meditation Retreat is like Elective Surgery
A Vipassana 10-day silent meditation retreat is like elective surgery. You know you don't absolutely need it, but you also know that it could significantly enhance your quality of life. Yes, there will likely be pain, but there will also be freedom.
Making Peace with Time • 4 Iterations from Busyness Tracker to Time Freedom
Entrepreneurship can seem overwhelming, where the more you do, the more there is to do. At least with freedompreneurship, the more you do, the less there is to do in the long run. With freedompreneurship, there is freedom at the end of the tunnel...
Dare to Lead™: From Armored Leadership to Daring Leadership
Trained and certified on the research of Dr. Brené Brown, we guide phoenixes, overachievers, wisdom keepers, freedompreneurs and wayshowers from armored leadership to daring leadership.
Hot and Itchy Endurance Test • How I Reclaimed My Invincibility
Even though I had a near breaking point when I had to poop in a plastic bag inside my tent, I felt invincible because: no one can offload their shit onto me, no one could steal my joy. No one. And that is the kind of invincibility I wish for you.
Big Picture Reset • A Grounding Ritual for Momentum and Consistent Success
How do you gracefully and joyfully keep up the momentum in your business, especially during summer lulls, back-to-school frenzy, and blink-and-it's-here holiday busyness? I use the Big Picture Reset as my grounding ritual for consistent success.
The Pillow Fort • How I Gained Time Abundance and Freedom
My knew about herding time block to free up my time. My heart knew the joy and abundance of time. Even my soul knew The Void and no-time. But my body didn't yet know until that night how to halt time to near infinite.
How School Kills Creativity • My First Short Story
I was watching a TED Talk on Why Schools Kill Creativity. A couple of days later, I met up with a high school friend for brunch. We reminisced and somehow ended up on the topic of floss. She exclaimed, "Oh my god, do you remember your floss story, the one you wrote in high school?" My first reaction was of trembling...
Fierce and Free • 15 Commitments I Ask of My Coaching Clients for Joyful Liberation
You want to succeed? You want to be free? You'll need to show up, be seen and live brave. And it all starts with commitment from self to self. If you're not ready to make these commitments, you won't get the most out of your coaching relationship.