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Spiritual Funnies • Comedy is tragedy plus time
For when you are having "one of those days" and need solace or a kick in the mental butt, I give you my Spiritual Funnies Collection. May Sapien's absurdity rip open a hardy laugh as sacred medicine.
S.M.A.R.T.E.R Pacing • Discern Sacred Contracts, Dreams, Habits, Goals and Tasks
In our yearning/zeal to build co-utopia, re-member these truths: 1. We cannot hand crank our karma to our will. 2. Not every dream needs to actualized. 3. Not every idea needs to be monetized. Discern and know what propels and pressures you.
Truth Biscuits for our Most Vulnerable Parts Need to Hear
A series of 24 truth biscuits to install peace and levity in your heart and work. Use them to conjure your own truth medicine for what your Parts most need to hear.
Grief Autopsy • Name the Losses to Find What You Seek
You cannot find what you don’t know you lost. Was it even a loss if you never had it in the first place, such as worth, belonging, or childhood? A Grief Autopsy dissects ambiguous grief hands on. If you don't let your past die, it won't let you live.
Parts Integration • Know your Whole Self. Wholeness is Freedom.
Have you ever felt torn: a part wants this... another part wants that... but this part fears X... and that other part must have Y? Feel a little at war with yourself? What if you could integrate all your parts into one harmonious whole, one voice, one mind-heart-body-soul?
4 Types of Knowing • Reclaim a Full Set of Knowing
This is bad for us, yet we keep doing it. This is good for us, yet we don't do it. Why? Because mind-knowing (conceptual) is not enough. We need a full set of: heart-knowing (emotional), body-knowing (experiential) and soul-knowing (universal) to create and sustain change.
Fulfillment Chessboard • Discern Passion, Calling, Mission, Profession and Career
There is an exquisite Fulfilling Freedom at the intersection of: Skill, Love, Need, Money, and Sustainability. We can be so amnesiac about our progress. This is why tracking, re/seeing, re/touching our own progress is crucial to freedom.
Reinvention Carousel • Unlearn and Relearn Identity and Creativity
There are 16 options for reinventing your identity, whether it be a business, brand, or creative identity. Each carry different levels of: success, suffering, joy and fear. Which merry-go-round will you ride?
Wounded Child Archetypes • Name the wounds. Shed the lies. Free the soul.
Name the wounds. Shed the lies. Free the soul. Want to lead a revolution, unleash a masterpiece, or liberate yourself / this world? Then identify your top Wounded Child Archetypes to make a fuel change and reclaim your energy, peace, time, and freedom.
Tao of Creativity • Transform Inspiration into Actualization
Creativity follows a tao [Chinese: 道], which means path, from chakra to chakra. Any blockage along the way can abort creativity. What are these blockages? Watch this wisdom video to stop living with foot on the gas pedal, but handbrake on.
Flow States • Sustain Creative Joy and Longevity
Working in Flow state, with skill and challenge levels optimal to you, is like smoothing the ice then sliding your ideas across the surface. Or would you rather carry the load on your shoulders up a jagged volcano?
Stress Responses • Return to Safety from Fight, Flight, Freeze, and Fawn
As a freedompreneur, your business is a vehicle to free yourself and others, not an ambulance straight to the Emergency Room (or the grave ⚰️😛). If you don't consciously down-regulate your stress, you and your business will not reach the finish line.
Branding with Sacred Archetypes • Break the rules. Choose your truth. Be your Self.
Break the rules. Choose your truth. Be your Self. Need guidance on how to articulate a clear Why (purpose), a unique How (approach) and a precise What (offer)? Then identify your top Sacred Brand Archetypes to gracefully weave your soul, genius, products and services under one harmonious brand.
Spiritual Quotient (SoulQ) • Shift from Ego Driven to Soul Lead
This is the universal human paradox: how do we live with a "phenomenal cosmic power" soul in an "itty bitty" human body (that has gargantuan incessant needs) on a tiny 3rd rock from the sun, amongst ~ 40 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 stars.
Core Values • Consciously Choose your Inner Compass
Do you ever wonder why you do certain things, and why you don't do certain things? On our path of personal growth, most everything can be traced back to our core values...
Power of Sequencing • Top 4 Solopreneur "Wrong Order" Case Studies
If given one match, a lantern, and a map, would you use the match to light the lantern to see the map... or use the match to burn the map and fumble in the dark?
The Overachiever's Hierarchy of Needs
Today, I'm writing to you from Odessa, Ukraine. Totally did not plan on being here. The only thing I knew about Ukraine is that the Ukrainian figure skater Oksana Baiul who won the gold medal in 1994. And the only thing I knew about Odessa is that it's by the sea. I love the sea <3
Mysterious Stuwvyxz • What's your Capacity for Joy? (Mind-knowing)
I was once asked, "What's your capacity for Stuwvyxz?" I don't know. What's Stuwvyxz? I tossed that inquiry in the junk drawer of "Things I Never Knew Existed". Thanks to a rom-com, my mind eventually figured out what Stuwvyxz is.
Life Purpose Petals • Why Am I Here?
Have you ever caught yourself sobbing "It's not fair!" or ripping your hair out "But that makes no sense!?!" We didn't come here for fairness or sense making. Our souls came here to: grow, love, be loved, enjoy and be of service.
The Barf Bucket • How I Purged Patriarchy from my Body
Our wounds from our Family of Origin are often not about the parent or the perpetrator, but a window into larger forces at play: Sacred Contracts and karmic agreements. There is no overnight healing, but you can get your hands on a "Get Out of Jail Free" card from systemic patriarchy.
The Roasted Butterfly • How Overachievers and the Restless Self-destruct from Shiny Object Syndrome
Do you have Shiny Object Syndrome, aka ADD / ADHD, aka as Squirrel!!! 🐿🐿 🐿 Have you ever been over-zealous, saw something shiny, touched it then got burned?
Purging Negative Money Memories Takes Time (Part 4/4)
When I updated this blog series from 2017 in 2021, I realized that 28 of those original 36 memories had vanished. Even under hypnotherapy, I wouldn't have remembered them. They no longer carried any emotional charge. And that is what I call freedom!
Purging Negative Money Memories Takes Time (Part 3/4)
Asking an overachiever to be patient is is like asking a bowling ball to float. Because we are super-doers, we think we can out-do the Universe. Ha! Purging negative memories is a journey of healing, forgiveness and surrendering to the grand unfolding of our lives.
Purging Negative Money Memories Takes Time (Part 2/4)
An emotionally charged money incident can scar or even traumatize a child. Just because our body has aged chronologically, it doesn't mean that inner child has recovered. How do we unwire and rewire our fear and scarcity circuitries?
Purging Negative Money Memories Takes Time (Part 1/4)
With every client who has money gremlins, we do a "Negative Money Memory Purge." It helps pull whatever guilt, hurt, shame, anxiety, or fear associated with money out of their psyche. Then we burn the paper(s) 🔥 to free the mind, heart and body.
My 16 Careers • Reinventing Identities as a Wealth Mentor (Part 13/16)
I could have coasted through this semi-retirement lifestyle for decades, but my soul yearned and cried for deeper meaning and broader contribution. "F*ck you, soul! Why can't you just be content?!?" Ah, but a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor...
My 16 Careers • Reinventing Identities as a Web Developer (Part 2/16)
I made websites just because, out of pure joy, pure curiosity, pure creativity. Then people started paying me for it. Who knew that would happen?!? But with every gain, there is great loss...
Post-it Wall of Greatness
Have you ever faced the uncomfortable "Now what?!?" after you've achieved a milestone? You thought you'd be ecstatic, but instead are fogged in doubt and uncertainty of "Is this all there is?" Then it's time to make a Post-it Wall of Greatness!
Freedom Masks • Shifting Tides Freedom (Part 4)
Leena creates product suites and marketing materials for the travel industry. She’s a free spirit and citizen of the world. She moved 11 timezones in pursuit of career opportunities, which came knocking from London to Singapore, from Dubai to Sydney. To her surprise...
Freedom Masks • Mirage Freedom (Part 3)
I've shared Rose's story of Unfulfilling Freedom (aka creative starvation) and Lily's story of Untethered Freedom (aka "spiritual vegetable).This week, meet Priya and her story of Mirage Freedom.
Freedom Masks • Untethered Freedom (Part 2)
Lily had a 15 year career in global procurement, a glamorous life, a $250,000/year salary, a practically inexhaustible expense account, a fancy wardrobe, and anything else money could buy. However...
Freedom Masks • Unfulfilling Freedom (Part 1)
By all external standards, Rose has made it. She has 47 real estate properties, more money than she could ever need, and doesn’t have to work another day in her life. However...
Ellany's 9 Micro-habits for More Peace, Joy and Time Freedom
All these spiritual flues, energetic ascensions, and mystical experiences, I never asked for any of them. Did I? I feel like I made a heap of choices before coming to Earth, but I can't remember most of them. Would I have lived differently if I remembered those choices?
Vipassana Practice • How the Tortoise Always Wins the Race
Though I have chosen intense moments of "hare," I am the endurance tortoise, where slow and steady wins the race. Every time. Like Angela Duckworth says, "Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is rare."
Dear Fear • Two Love Letters to Clients on How to Approach Fears (Part 2)
It's natural to feel afraid. What you do about it will determine who you become.
Dear Fear • Two Love Letters to Clients on How to Approach Fears (Part 1)
Before a big change, every human experiences fear, whether it's real or not.
The Pillow Fort • How I Gained Time Abundance and Freedom
My knew about herding time block to free up my time. My heart knew the joy and abundance of time. Even my soul knew The Void and no-time. But my body didn't yet know until that night how to halt time to near infinite.
5 Attempts at Sharing Ayahuasca Higher Consciousness Experience
Human language is so limited to describe the mystical experience. Even so, the soul residing in human flesh can't help but try anyway.
Ellany's Favourite Poems and Prayers on Love, Grace and Freedom
Sometimes, the heart needs balm that only poems and prayers can provide. May these favourites help you remember what the soul already knew.
19 Life Changing Quotes & Poems by Najwa Zebian
"These mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb." Her words helped my lungs exhale the deepest relief. May Najwa Zebian's poetry be a balm to your lungs as they were for me.
Stages of Dating • How to Love your Business to Court your Audience
Entrepreneurship is like dating. When you're dating your business, are you still flirting with other businesses? Or worse yet, are you getting into bed with your old corporate job? :O
Fierce and Free • 15 Commitments I Ask of My Coaching Clients for Joyful Liberation
You want to succeed? You want to be free? You'll need to show up, be seen and live brave. And it all starts with commitment from self to self. If you're not ready to make these commitments, you won't get the most out of your coaching relationship.