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Truth / Discernment


Grief Autopsy • Name the Losses to Find What You Seek

You cannot find what you don’t know you lost. Was it even a loss if you never had it in the first place, such as worth, belonging, or childhood? A Grief Autopsy dissects ambiguous grief hands on. If you don't let your past die, it won't let you live.



4 Types of Knowing • Reclaim a Full Set of Knowing

This is bad for us, yet we keep doing it. This is good for us, yet we don't do it. Why? Because mind-knowing (conceptual) is not enough. We need a full set of: heart-knowing (emotional), body-knowing (experiential) and soul-knowing (universal) to create and sustain change.



The Overachiever's Hierarchy of Needs

Today, I'm writing to you from Odessa, Ukraine. Totally did not plan on being here. The only thing I knew about Ukraine is that the Ukrainian figure skater Oksana Baiul who won the gold medal in 1994. And the only thing I knew about Odessa is that it's by the sea. I love the sea <3


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Life Purpose Petals • Why Am I Here?

Have you ever caught yourself sobbing "It's not fair!" or ripping your hair out "But that makes no sense!?!" We didn't come here for fairness or sense making. Our souls came here to: grow, love, be loved, enjoy and be of service.


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The Barf Bucket • How I Purged Patriarchy from my Body

Our wounds from our Family of Origin are often not about the parent or the perpetrator, but a window into larger forces at play: Sacred Contracts and karmic agreements. There is no overnight healing, but you can get your hands on a "Get Out of Jail Free" card from systemic patriarchy.



Purging Negative Money Memories Takes Time (Part 4/4)

When I updated this blog series from 2017 in 2021, I realized that 28 of those original 36 memories had vanished. Even under hypnotherapy, I wouldn't have remembered them. They no longer carried any emotional charge. And that is what I call freedom!


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Purging Negative Money Memories Takes Time (Part 3/4)

Asking an overachiever to be patient is is like asking a bowling ball to float. Because we are super-doers, we think we can out-do the Universe. Ha! Purging negative memories is a journey of healing, forgiveness and surrendering to the grand unfolding of our lives.


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Purging Negative Money Memories Takes Time (Part 1/4)

With every client who has money gremlins, we do a "Negative Money Memory Purge." It helps pull whatever guilt, hurt, shame, anxiety, or fear associated with money out of their psyche. Then we burn the paper(s) 🔥 to free the mind, heart and body.


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Post-it Wall of Greatness

Have you ever faced the uncomfortable "Now what?!?" after you've achieved a milestone? You thought you'd be ecstatic, but instead are fogged in doubt and uncertainty of "Is this all there is?" Then it's time to make a Post-it Wall of Greatness!


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Freedom Masks • Shifting Tides Freedom (Part 4)

Leena creates product suites and marketing materials for the travel industry. She’s a free spirit and citizen of the world. She moved 11 timezones in pursuit of career opportunities, which came knocking from London to Singapore, from Dubai to Sydney. To her surprise...


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Freedom Masks • Mirage Freedom (Part 3)

I've shared Rose's story of Unfulfilling Freedom (aka creative starvation) and Lily's story of Untethered Freedom (aka "spiritual vegetable).This week, meet Priya and her story of Mirage Freedom.


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Ellany's 9 Micro-habits for More Peace, Joy and Time Freedom

All these spiritual flues, energetic ascensions, and mystical experiences, I never asked for any of them. Did I? I feel like I made a heap of choices before coming to Earth, but I can't remember most of them. Would I have lived differently if I remembered those choices?