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Fulfillment Chessboard • Discern Passion, Calling, Mission, Profession and Career
There is an exquisite Fulfilling Freedom at the intersection of: Skill, Love, Need, Money, and Sustainability. We can be so amnesiac about our progress. This is why tracking, re/seeing, re/touching our own progress is crucial to freedom.
Reinvention Carousel • Unlearn and Relearn Identity and Creativity
There are 16 options for reinventing your identity, whether it be a business, brand, or creative identity. Each carry different levels of: success, suffering, joy and fear. Which merry-go-round will you ride?
Labyrinth of Fears • Unmask the 25 Faces of Fear
Turns out there aren’t 25 different types of fear. There is one root fear, which wears 25 different masks. If you could unmask each one, could you become fearless, as in less afraid? If you practiced fear dissolution, could you become fear-free? Let’s explore.
9 Year Growth Cycles • Flow with your Natural Rhythms and Seasons
Do you flow with or against the natural season of your Life? You're not a goddamn salmon! You do NOT have to swim upstream against the current. When flowing with your season, there is an ease, a peace. When you force against it, you crawl on porcupines. What will you chose?
Creative Devotion (Part 1) • That's the goal, to survive your gift
It’s been 8 years and 7 months of space clawing, treading shards, fire palming and tear tagging to birth my story/masterpiece. And I didn’t even want to be a writer in the first place. That's the nature and story of creative devotion.
Spiritual Quotient (SoulQ) • Shift from Ego Driven to Soul Lead
This is the universal human paradox: how do we live with a "phenomenal cosmic power" soul in an "itty bitty" human body (that has gargantuan incessant needs) on a tiny 3rd rock from the sun, amongst ~ 40 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 stars.
Flying 52-in-52 • Joy Multiplies When Shared (Heart-knowing)
While handgliding, I felt an invisible force that I couldn't name. Then during a 56-countries-in-52-weeks trip that I did NOT plan or see coming, I felt it again, like a sidekick with a headset that guided me, as I James Bond-ed through that year.
Fields of Gold • Removing the Barriers to Joy (Body-knowing)
During a healing session in Bali, I couldn't perceive or discern my left foot from my right ear. I couldn't feel myself... as if... I had... no self. Through Fields of Gold, my body cried marble tears and felt joy for the very first time.
The Roasted Butterfly • How Overachievers and the Restless Self-destruct from Shiny Object Syndrome
Do you have Shiny Object Syndrome, aka ADD / ADHD, aka as Squirrel!!! 🐿🐿 🐿 Have you ever been over-zealous, saw something shiny, touched it then got burned?
My 16 Careers • Reinventing Identities as a Psychotherapist (Part 15/16)
Midway through my certification, I developed the ability to feel what my clients were feeling, but 2-3 days before they felt it. Hearts were cracked open and mended with grace. But just because you can, doesn't mean you should...
My 16 Careers • Reinventing Identities as an Aerial Yoga Studio (Part 14/16)
I literally smacked into this career identity, which would lead to a love at first sight partnership 6 years later. The studio was up and running in 3 weeks time! But it's true what they say: if you're gonna fail, fail fast. But first, try everything 3 times.
My 16 Careers • Reinventing Identities as a Success Coach (Part 12/16)
For the first time in my life, I felt seen for who I am, not for what I'd achieved. I had no idea that I had walked into the alchemical fire that would forge me from a freedom seeker into a liberator. All triggered by a date who stood me up!
You Are Needed • How to Not Catch the Comparison-itis Virus during a Global Pandemic
You are needed. Just not all at the same time. This pandemic is not a sprint, it's a tag team marathon. Wait your turn because the relay baton is coming.
How Sacred Archetypes Reveal Hidden Keys to Behavioral Change
Why do we repeat the same behavioral patterns, when we know they are detrimental to our freedom? Sacred Archetypes can reveal hidden keys to unlocking our relationships with identity, money, people, creativity and destiny.
Vipassana 10-day Silent Meditation Retreat is like Elective Surgery
A Vipassana 10-day silent meditation retreat is like elective surgery. You know you don't absolutely need it, but you also know that it could significantly enhance your quality of life. Yes, there will likely be pain, but there will also be freedom.
iPhone in Watery Grave • A Story of Hope and Believing in Miracles
I once went sunset paddle boarding off the pristine beaches of Boracay, in the Philippines. I had my shiny new iPhone sealed in a high grade water proof case, clipped around my neck. As I was mesmerized by the sunset, I felt like a dip so jumped into the ocean for a swim...
Ascension Flu • 6 Ways to Survive a Spiritual Flu
Even though I had a near breaking point when I had to poop in a plastic bag inside my tent, I felt invincible because: no one can offload their shit onto me, no one could steal my joy. No one. And that is the kind of invincibility I wish for you.
5 Attempts at Sharing Ayahuasca Higher Consciousness Experience
Human language is so limited to describe the mystical experience. Even so, the soul residing in human flesh can't help but try anyway.
Red Light Juggler • How I Reclaimed my Clairscentience
Would you run into the red light on a huge avenue, red light, after red light, after red light? Just to get home. What I learned about courage and showing up from a juggler.
Fierce and Free • 15 Commitments I Ask of My Coaching Clients for Joyful Liberation
You want to succeed? You want to be free? You'll need to show up, be seen and live brave. And it all starts with commitment from self to self. If you're not ready to make these commitments, you won't get the most out of your coaching relationship.