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Parts Integration • Know your Whole Self. Wholeness is Freedom.
Have you ever felt torn: a part wants this... another part wants that... but this part fears X... and that other part must have Y? Feel a little at war with yourself? What if you could integrate all your parts into one harmonious whole, one voice, one mind-heart-body-soul?
Fulfillment Chessboard • Discern Passion, Calling, Mission, Profession and Career
There is an exquisite Fulfilling Freedom at the intersection of: Skill, Love, Need, Money, and Sustainability. We can be so amnesiac about our progress. This is why tracking, re/seeing, re/touching our own progress is crucial to freedom.
Reinvention Carousel • Unlearn and Relearn Identity and Creativity
There are 16 options for reinventing your identity, whether it be a business, brand, or creative identity. Each carry different levels of: success, suffering, joy and fear. Which merry-go-round will you ride?
My Opportestiny • Put Humpty Dumpty back together again
Have you ever fallen off a great wall and painstakingly put yourself back together again? That has a name, it's called: Opportestiny.
"Whatever pain you can’t get rid of, make it your creative offering." – Susan Cain
"Whatever pain you can’t get rid of, make it your creative offering." – Susan Cain
Wounded Child Archetypes • Name the wounds. Shed the lies. Free the soul.
Name the wounds. Shed the lies. Free the soul. Want to lead a revolution, unleash a masterpiece, or liberate yourself / this world? Then identify your top Wounded Child Archetypes to make a fuel change and reclaim your energy, peace, time, and freedom.
Branding with Sacred Archetypes • Break the rules. Choose your truth. Be your Self.
Break the rules. Choose your truth. Be your Self. Need guidance on how to articulate a clear Why (purpose), a unique How (approach) and a precise What (offer)? Then identify your top Sacred Brand Archetypes to gracefully weave your soul, genius, products and services under one harmonious brand.
Spiritual Quotient (SoulQ) • Shift from Ego Driven to Soul Lead
This is the universal human paradox: how do we live with a "phenomenal cosmic power" soul in an "itty bitty" human body (that has gargantuan incessant needs) on a tiny 3rd rock from the sun, amongst ~ 40 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 stars.
Core Values • Consciously Choose your Inner Compass
Do you ever wonder why you do certain things, and why you don't do certain things? On our path of personal growth, most everything can be traced back to our core values...
Power of Sequencing • Top 4 Solopreneur "Wrong Order" Case Studies
If given one match, a lantern, and a map, would you use the match to light the lantern to see the map... or use the match to burn the map and fumble in the dark?
The Art and Paradox of Non-Belonging • 20 Strange Ways I Don't Belong
The Universe pumped adventure into my lungs, but clipped my canary wings. The Universe encoded freedom into my soul, but shackled every limb with gender, filial piety, birth order, personality, cultural, and social chains.
Adopted Family • Five Degrees of Joy Mirroring (Soul-knowing)
Mama Bear always looked at me with a sparkle of "You. Are. A. Bringer. Of. Joy." Me, joy? As if. But after 5 degrees of mirroring, I couldn't deny it anymore. They didn't see joy in me. They saw me as joy. I was the joy. Could it be?
My 16 Careers • Reinventing Identities as a Psychotherapist (Part 15/16)
Midway through my certification, I developed the ability to feel what my clients were feeling, but 2-3 days before they felt it. Hearts were cracked open and mended with grace. But just because you can, doesn't mean you should...
My 16 Careers • Reinventing Identities as a Success Coach (Part 12/16)
For the first time in my life, I felt seen for who I am, not for what I'd achieved. I had no idea that I had walked into the alchemical fire that would forge me from a freedom seeker into a liberator. All triggered by a date who stood me up!
My 16 Careers • Reinventing Identities as an International Aid Worker (Part 8/16)
For the first time in my life I followed my heart, not what was demanded of me. I decided I wanted to do good as a career, it was destined for me. I would learn the hard way that destiny is not a destination.
My 16 Careers • Reinventing Identities as an Energy Researcher (Part 6/16)
I felt mad making a career 180 and starting over from scratch at this point. Who walks away from job offers and amazing female mentors?!? It'd be another 9 years before I discerned: Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
Power of Iterations • How I Built my Signature Program Organically
Whether it's a workshop, a virtual training or something in between, your masterclass, your life's masterpiece, can be created the hard way or the graceful way
How Sacred Archetypes Reveal Hidden Keys to Behavioral Change
Why do we repeat the same behavioral patterns, when we know they are detrimental to our freedom? Sacred Archetypes can reveal hidden keys to unlocking our relationships with identity, money, people, creativity and destiny.
Dare to Lead™: From Armored Leadership to Daring Leadership
Trained and certified on the research of Dr. Brené Brown, we guide phoenixes, overachievers, wisdom keepers, freedompreneurs and wayshowers from armored leadership to daring leadership.
86 Motivations that Fueled my Becoming a Freedompreneur
At Guide to Grace, we hold and guide women on their leap from solopreneur to entrepreneur or from entrepreneur to freedompreneur.
Book Dedication • Define your Why by Focusing on your Who
Writing for years has helped me see that I can only go as fast as the slowest part of me. My book will take as long as it takes. I cannot rush the alchemy of "pain juice" into gold.
Red Light Juggler • How I Reclaimed my Clairscentience
Would you run into the red light on a huge avenue, red light, after red light, after red light? Just to get home. What I learned about courage and showing up from a juggler.
Fierce and Free • 15 Commitments I Ask of My Coaching Clients for Joyful Liberation
You want to succeed? You want to be free? You'll need to show up, be seen and live brave. And it all starts with commitment from self to self. If you're not ready to make these commitments, you won't get the most out of your coaching relationship.